How Did Women's Groups in the American Library Association
Promote Activism around Women's Issues in Librarianship during the 1970s?



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Etzioni, Amitai. The Semi-Professions and Their Organization: Teachers, Nurses, Social Workers. New York: Free Press, 1969.

Garrison, Dee. Apostles of Culture: The Public Librarian and American Society, 1876-1920. New York: Macmillan Information, 1979.

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Heim, Kathleen M. and Leigh S. Estabrook. Career Profiles and Sex Discrimination in the Library Profession. Chicago: American Library Association, 1983.

Heim, Kathleen M. The Status of Women in Librarianship: Historical, Sociological, and Economic Issues. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1983.

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Schiller, Anita. "A Survey of Salary Surveys." ALA Bulletin 58, no. 4 (April 1964): 279-86.

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Sellen, Betty-Carol and Joan K. Marshall, eds. Women in a Woman's Profession: Strategies: Proceedings of the Preconference on the Status of Women in Librarianship. Sponsored by the Social Responsibilities Round Table Task Force on the Status of Women, Douglass College, Rutgers University, July 1974.

Wells, Sharon. The Feminization of the American Library Profession, 1876-1923. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1967.

Wiegand, Wayne. The Politics of an Emerging Profession: The American Library Association, 1876-1917. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986.

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