Document 13C: "World's Temperance Convention. Interesting Proceedings," New York Times, Sept. 9, 1853, p. 7.

[p. 7]



Speeches of Dr. Lees of England, Rev. Dr. Walcott,
and Others.



Metropolitan Hall in an Uproar.

Rights of Colored Delegates.

    The eloquent speeches of Dr. Lees, of England, and Rev. Mr. WALCOTT, delivered on Wednesday evening, were necessarily omitted from our morning issue of yesterday, for want of space. The remarks of these gentlemen were as follows:

    Dr. LEES, of England, delegate from the British Temperance Association, was then introduced to the meeting, and received with prolonged applause. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentleman, said he, I do not know that I have anything special to address to you upon the present occasion, but, as the representative of the oldest Teetotal association in the world, I may convey to you, however feebly, yet most sincerely, the feelings of sympathy and respect entertained by the British Teetotallers towards their American friends. [Applause.] We do not pretend to teach you upon this great question, for we are your disciples, and gladly acknowledge that you are our fathers. [Applause.] It was from you, twenty years ago, that we received those stirring appeals embodied in your prominent documents. From you we have received those startling statistics connected with the dread effects of intemperance, that compelled us to ask at home, "Are these things likewise the same among ourselves?" and we examined the condition of things in our country, and found, alas! that matters were even worse at home than here. Those principles we embraced, and but a few years had passed away, before --being earnestly advocated by the men of Preston,-- thousands and tens of thousands of the victims of intemperance were redeemed to the doctrine of true Temperance, and multiplied tens of thousands of happy homes, testifying the benefits of that great truth that you sent to us; and, under these circumstances, can we not feel and gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness to you? Gentlemen, in taking these principles from your documents, and in applying them to our own case, we saw no reason to be ashamed, for upon inquiry, we discovered that the principles upon which your association was founded are, and were, based upon the sound doctrine of nature, science and philosophy, and I will add, of revealed truth since that period, a multitude of investigations have been made upon this question, and much opposition has been encountered but, thanks to truth it has been overcome. The trophies and triumphs of these truths have increased from day to day, and from year to year, and you in this country, I am sure, have no conception of the power against which we had to battle at home. England is a land in which fashion and custom must of necessity be stronger than in your new and great country. But we saw what you had done--we were encouraged by your efforts--we were stimulated by your appeals, and we were determined to conflict against the prejudices of ancient custom and fashion, the calumnies of the press, the banded interest of thousands and tens of thousands interested in the traffic destroying the best hopes of Britain; and we went on from conquering to conquer. And now I have the pleasure of informing you, that fighting under the banner which you first raised, of tee-total and universal abstinence from everything that can intoxicate, millions have become disciples to the truth, and multitudes have been relieved from the bondage of intemperance, and made blessings to themselves and blessings to others. (Loud applause.) Perhaps, for a short time, you may permit me to express what we conceive to be the great truths lying at the basis of this movement, and to give you a birds-eye view of the principles as we view them as they stand before our national eye of truth. The first evidence presented to us, in the face of ancient custom and the fears of the population, as to abandoning the use of intoxicants, was connected with the supposition that they were necessary to our health and to our enjoyment; but the first answer to this, which we came with every day, and multiplied with every year, was experience. We tried the principle, and soon men rose and declared the great truth that they were better in every respect, in body, in disposition, and in soul, for the higher duties of earth, and better and clearer as regarded their hopes of the future as the practitioners of a pure cold water doctrine, than when they used any quantity of liquor, which defiled the brain and polluted the blood. Logic and common sense came to our aid, and we said, that if vast bodies of men were better without these drinks than with a limited use of them, then they must be worse with them than without them, and the people embraced the doctrine, seeing this truth. Experience having settled the question, we were prepared to battle upon the ground of Science. There is a mighty difference in advocating the Temperance cause in America and Britain. We, in England, must be battled out of our prejudices step by step, and we must have an argument for everything; but you, with your young heart responsive to the social and political reforms of your time, spring forth to political action more readily then we do. This is your glory, see that you abuse it not. This young and bursting energy of your race is to accomplish wonders for the future (Thunders of applause.) Step by step we have combated for the doctrine of Teetotalism with the chemist and with the political press. We went upon the broad basis of Philosophy, and declared that our doctrine accorded to the true interpretation of nature, was true and could not be gainsayed. We said that God speaking through revelation must be in harmony, and the more we investigated the matter were we more fully convinced that God, in humanity, in nature, in history, and in the ancient records of inspiration, speaks one great truth, and that truth is in favor of the doctrine of Total Abstinence from that which intoxicates. (Loud applause) Man, upon the ground of science, beginning with A. B, C, said that which God has provided for us is good, else why is it made? We appealed to nature as the best chemist, and we discovered that it was not so. Our answer to this was, "Nature knew nothing of alcohol--she gets the grape upon the vine, but she produces not alcohol or wine." The production of those drinks is the result of art and human ingenuity--man has applied and perverted the good thing that God has given him. Then came the physiologists, who told us that it was necessary to take daily a quantity of those things. We said no! He who made man and women in Paradise-- the first perfect man and women--gave them no alcoholic drink, and that we, as believers in nature, in God, and in revelation could not believe that such drink were admitted into the category of nature's productions, and that it was necessary to a healthy and a happy life. (Loud applause) Shortly after this came the great discovery of the German chemists, and then based upon the pillars of science the teetotal temple was raised up in glorious beauty, never more to be disturbed, firm as the pillars of the universe itself. I refer here to the great discovering of Liebig and others, who analyzed all the products of fruit and grain. Those chemists cast their eyes upon the products of nature, and they discovered, by simple analysis, that all the products given by God for human use consisted of two kinds--fuel for the human body, and nourishment to build up the various organs and tissues of the living structure, and that nothing affected men so suddenly, and so injuriously to his vital energies, as the alcohol, from which we abstain. Gentlemen, we have seen and understand all this, and year after year our disciples are multiplying, and, at this time, no respectable press, or accredited review, in Great Britain, dare take a stand in hostility against us, for although they may differ from us in opinion, yet they have the prudence to decline the contest, as though, perhaps, they have not the honesty to confess their weakness. Our cause is sanctioned by Scripture and by science, which must be true, and whatever is against the truth should be destroyed. Truth is mighty, and it must prevail. [Loud applause.] Gentlemen, it is said that Scripture is against us. We look this matter in the face. There is no land or country in the world where liberty of speech is more fully entertained than in England, and this is one of the proudest boasts of Great Britain. [Applause and hisses.] I do not wish to wound your national pride, for you are a noble and a great people; but, perhaps, it may be only humility on your part, to think you are a young people. [Applause.] Wisdom comes only with age. "When I was a boy I spoke as boy!" but at that period of life I committed many foolish actions, and so may you [Applause and laughter]. We believe in England that every man has a full right to the expression of his opinion--we listen to him, and when he has finished, endeavor to refute his arguments. I behave that the cause I advocate is true. I believe that the Bible and nature are wonderfully in unison upon this question, and with the Church and the priest on the one hand, and the skeptic upon the other, I take my stand and defy the entire world to show that God in the Bible ever sanctioned the use of the drunkard's drink. [Loud applause] We went into the inquiry, and I will tell you the result. What was the first thing that God gave to man? Was it intoxicating drink? No!--but products of the vegetable order, and he did not say that such food was given for brewing beer or wine, but that it should be for food. There is no evading that law. Three thousand years after that period Moses proclaimed in Deuteronomy, "When you go forth to besiege a city, see that you cut not down the fruit trees, for these have not sinned against you." They are the products of the Almighty head; he made and gave them to his children, and therefore, in the exigencies of war, it is a sin against humanity and against the Father of all men, to destroy the food which he has given to his children. Moses read the law as you read it--the noble advocates of the Maine Law, who seek to put down the traffic. Its consequences are evil, because it goes against the primitive truth of nature. We went to the Bible and saw that this was in harmony with the divine mind. Go wherever you will in antiquity--to the classic regions of Greece, to the deserts of Arabia, or the wilds of Scythia, and you will find that this doctrine is practiced. It is necessary that the body should be pure in order to the soul being pure and active. This must be the appropriate temple for the spirit of the living God, and if you defile that temple in which the spirit dwells, you defile the spirit itself. We borrowed this doctrine from you, and we return it to you with our hearty commendations. (Loud applause) We will adhere to it forever. Intemperance interferes with the health, the temper, the social prosperity--with the laws, with the political economy, with the courage, with the advancement, with the education, and with the religion and virtue of the human race, and the highest sanction of earth and Heaven, of the past and future, demand that we should, as far as we can, exterminate the great destroyer. You dwell in a wonderful age. To you the nations of the East are now looking--to you, in whose bosom burns the love of liberty exhibited by the old Puritan Fathers--to you we are looking for the future steps in this work [Loud applause.] Finish the work so nobly commenced, and the magnificent destiny and glorious opportunity before you will make you the future glory of the world and the wonder of all ages [Loud and prolonged applause].

    Mr. OAKLEY, of New-York, then sang a Temperance hymn.

    Rev. Mr. WALCOTT was then introduced, and said: There is no member of this Convention, and certainly no one more properly than myself, who would not feel that he occupied a position which entitled him to the considerate indulgence of this assembly, when called upon to follow the speaker to whom we have just listened with such deep delight and yet I am inclined to think myself fortunate, and to congratulate myself, that I rise to speak in a moral atmosphere so genial as pervades this Hall this evening, and I deem it fortunate that the exercises of this evening were preceded by the beautiful, impressive and moral spectacle--that army of children, congregated within these walls this afternoon, upon whose joyous countenances the Savior of the world would have looked with the same benignance, and to whose sweet voices he would have listened with the same approval as when the children at the Temple chanted in his ear their hosannas. We have moral duties to perform in the furtherance of the attainment of the law, and one in especial is, to surround it with a moral atmosphere, in which it can flourish; this is our high and holy mission. We are to bear in mind the connection which God has established between the laws and the moral sentiments of a people, to act and react on each other. They may not always go together. There will be agitation and conflict until they are agreed. If both are wrong, there will be peace--the stagnation of death--but if right, the buoyancy, activity, and beauty of life. When, therefore, we have a law like the Maine Law, embodying the moral sentiments and instincts of a people, it is our duty to surround it with a moral atmosphere in which it can live and flourish. We need the assistance of the ministers of the Gospel to carry on this great reformatory movement; for the pulpit that is silent on the subject is false to its trust. We need the assistance of the Press, and it is gratifying that we have had it to so large an extent. And let me name another agency of great importance in this work, and most especially in this department; we must have, and ought to have the sympathies, and devoted activities, and persuasive appeals, and the irresistible potency of women. [Loud applause.] I feel no solicitude about the fate of this law, when I see the moral elements that are involved in it. Our enemies are presumptuous and confident, as far as they are, because they are blind to those great moral elements which, to them, are invisible. As I stood, on a Summer's day, on a point commanding an extensive prospect, with the clear azure above me and the equally clear atmosphere around me, and in it I detected no element of power--no power adequate to the great result I was soon to witness. As I looked, I saw the gigantic oaks, that had stood unscathed amidst the blasts of Winter, tossing their branches to and fro and I saw the tall trees of the forest bow their heads towards the earth, and I know that the Spirit of the Tempest was abroad in its might. And so there is around us a spirit of moral life that is mightier than the storm. [Applause.]

    The reverend gentleman then went on in a strain of surprising eloquence, to descant upon the political bearings of the Temperance movements. In the course of his remarks, he observed that he was not partisan, but he would say this--that if he had a brother, opposed to the Maine Law, who was looking for election, he would vote for his opponent, were he in favor of the Maine Law. We regret that the lateness of the hour at which Mr. WALCOT spoke, and the extreme pressure on our space, prevent our laying before our readers, the full report of this admirable address.

    Rev. THOMAS HUNT, Pa., was the next speaker, and amused the audience by the recital of several comical Temperance anecdotes. In Pennsylvania they wanted something better than the Maine Law, and it was this--a penalty commensurate with the wrong done by the liquor traffic. He was willing to take the affirmative on two propositions, and discuss them with the rum sellers of New-York; the first was this, that the sale of alcohol should be State Prison for life; and the second was this, that if the death penalty should be inflicted in any case, it ought to be upon rum sellers. [Applause and laughter.] He gave this out as a challenge to New-York, in all seriousness.

    The Convention then adjourned to Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.


    The Convention was called to order soon after 9 o'clock, yesterday morning--Hon. NEAL DOW in the Chair. The platform was occupied by Secretaries, Vice-Presidents, &c. To insure quiet, a Committee was stationed at the door, to admit none but delegates to the body of the house. Strangers took seats in the galleries, which were soon crowded.

    Rev. Dr. KENNEDY, of Brooklyn, opened the proceedings with prayer.

    The Secretary read the minutes of the proceedings of Wednesday.

    Hon. WENDELL PHILLIPS rose to move an amendment to the minutes.

    Judge HOAR, of Massachusetts, rose to a point of order. That gentlemen (Mr. P.)--learned, eloquent, powerful-- whose aid was desired in every cause in which his heart was concerned, was no member of this body. The form of admitting him had been gone through, but he heard it stated that some fraud had been practiced on the Committee with regard to his credentials. He moved that the credentials of Mr. PHILLIPS be recommitted.

    Hon. Mr. PHILLIPS--I submit that Judge HOAR is out of order in making a motion when rising to a point of order.

    PRESIDENT--I decide that any motion going directly to the right of a member to stand on this floor, is in order, at this stage of the proceedings.

    Mr. SNODGRASS rose.

    PRESIDENT--Mr. PHILLIPS has the floor.

    Mr. SNODGRASS--Mr. PHILLIPS has yielded to me.

    Mr. PHILLIPS--The gentleman is under a mistake, I have a word to say in making an appeal from the decision of the Chair.

    PRESIDENT--Mr. SNODGRASS will take his seat.

    Mr. SNODGRASS--I rise to a point of order.

    PRESIDENT (decidedly)--Mr. SNODGRASS will take his seat.

    Mr. PHILLIPS then spoke to an appeal from the decision of the Chair. He said that they were all here on a preliminary organization. There were yet no laws made by which to try him, and he sat there upon credentials similar to those of any other member. The gentleman from Massachusetts had used a hard word when he said a "fraud" had been practiced,--a hard word, coming from one with whom he had been associated in many useful movements; and, in the State of Massachusetts, it would not be necessary for him (Mr. P.) to reply to anyone who should charge him with a "fraud."

    The decision of the Chair was sustained, and the motion of Judge HOAR to refer the credentials of Mr. PHILLIPS to the Committee was carried. Subsequently the Committee on Credentials reported as follows:

    The Committee on Credentials report that certificates were handed them from the Nineteenth Ward NEAL DOW Association of New-York, one bearing the name of WENDELL PHILLIPS. The Committee received them, supposing it to be a regular society existing in this City. But they have since learned from good authority that it was a new creation, formed after the Convention had assembled, for the purpose of sending delegates to this Convention. They cannot consider such certificates as regular credentials, and therefore do not entitle the holder to a seat.

    Adopted, amid demonstrations of applause and hisses.

    Mr. SNODGRASS rose to amend the minutes by correcting that part stating the "delegates having been admitted," to "part of the delegates having been admitted."

    Mr. BOOTH, of Wisconsin, stood up at the end of the Reporters' table.

    The PRESIDENT--Does the gentleman rise as a delegate or a reporter?

    Mr. BOOTH--As a delegate from Wisconsin. He spoke of having been submitted to indignity yesterday.

    The PRESIDENT--The gentleman is not speaking to the question.

    The motion to amend was put and lost.

    The minutes were then adopted as read.

    On motion, the order of business was suspended to receive a resolutions by Hon. Mr. CAREY, of Ohio.

    Mr. CAREY then came forward and read the following resolutions, which were received with mingled applause and hisses.

   Resolved, That inasmuch as this Convention has been interrupted in its proceedings by a faction of disorganizers, assembled in New-York City, for the purpose and whose design is to involve the cause of Temperance, world-wide in its popularity, with their peculiar notions, and topics not connected with the Temperance Reform, it becomes a duty we owe to ourselves and to the world, to avow distinctly that our great and only purpose is to prohibit the manufacture and traffic of intoxicating liquors as a beverage; and we solemnly protest against, and will resist every effort from any quarter, to involve this with any other question, moral, social, political or religious.

   Resolved, That the common usages of society have excluded women from the public platform, and whether right or wrong it is not our province now to determine; but we will conform our action, during the present Convention, to public usage, and exclude females from participating in the public discussions of this Convention.

    A VOICE--I move to lay on the table. [Great confusion of tongues]

    On motion, the resolutions were read, and adopted separately. [Cheers and hissing, with a loud "No!" from Mr. SNODGRASS.

    Rev. Mr. WALCOTT, of Pennsylvania, rose, but yielded the floor to

    Rev. Mr. CUYLER, of N. J., who read a report from the Committee appointed to address the young men engaged in the cause of Temperance.

    The report was adopted.

    Mr. HUNT, of North Carolina, rose to make an explanation.

    A VOICE--Speak louder.

    Mr. HUNT--You keep quiet and I'll be loud enough for you. [Laughter] There was a young man, editor of a paper in Wisconsin, who was a firm supporter of the cause, and was the only one who refused to publish rum notices in his paper. That young man was now in an unpleasant position here, and wished to say a few words. He hoped the meeting would grant this.

    The question was put, and permission granted.

    Mr. BOOTH, of Milwaukee, came forward and briefly explained his position here as a delegate, and also his right to sit as a reporter.

    Rev. Mr. WALCOTT, of Rhode Island, rose to move a reconsideration of the last resolution offered by Hon. Mr. CAREY.

    The resolution was read, and Rev. Mr. JACKSON moved to lay the motion on the table.

    The motion to reconsider was lost.

    The Committee appointed to inquire if there was anything to retard the progress of Temperance, reported, through their Chairman, Mr. DUFFIELD, and submitted the following resolutions:

   Resolved, That the cause of Temperance, in its original and legitimate relations, is equally above sect as it is above party, and that it is no other than the great cause of humanity itself.

   Resolved, That it is alike according to the dictates of common sense and the experience of the world at large, that the platform of this cause should be confined to as few and simple principles as possible.

   Resolved, That it is injurious to any cause when it is made to subserve ulterior and subordinate purposes, party or personal.

   Resolved, That they are traitors to the cause of humanity, who endeavor to subvert one cause, in order to advance what they consider to be another.

   Resolved, That this Convention, as they would not put the shadow ten degrees back on the dial, and jeopard important elections in different parts of the land, feel now called to take a last and desperate stand, and by a strong and determined arm lift once more this glorious cause high above associations that are uncalled for as they are ruinous.

   Resolved, That the cause of Temperance is a question altogether separate and apart from the questions of Woman's Rights, Land Reform, or any other and that it must stand or fall upon its own merits.

    The report was accepted, and the resolutions taken up.

    It was moved, and Rev. Mr. WALCOTT seconded the motion, to amend, by striking out the last resolution, as contained, in substance in the previous resolutions, and going into particulars which were derogatory to the Convention.

    Rev. Mr. TINDALL moved to amend the amendment by recommitting the report.

    Mr. CLARKE, of Rochester, seconded the motion to recommit. He contended the report contained resolutions which misrepresented the views of the Convention.

    Judge O'NEALL moved to lay the motion to recommit on the table.

    The report was then adopted by a large majority vote.

    The Committee to whom was referred the "Economy of the Maine Law," reported through Rev. Mr. McCLURE of Jersey City. The report was adopted.

    It was moved and resolved to appoint a committee of three to make a verbal revision of the several reports before printing.

    A member moved to reconsider that vote. Several members of this Convention were opposed to leaving the verbiage of the reports to any committee; that they wished to settle themselves.

    The question was put, and the vote appointing a verbal revisive committee reversed.

    Mr. RUFUS W. CLARKE, Chairman of the Committee appointed to draft an address from the Convention to the Governments of the earth, read a long and able address, setting forth in vivid light the evils of intemperance, and concluded by recommending the adoption of the following sentiment: "Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my heart and hand to the enactment and execution of the principles of the Maine Law throughout the world."

    The address was adopted by unanimous vote.

    Gen. CAREY moved to take up the report and resolutions made by the Business Committee yesterday, as laid on the table.

    The report was taken up and the resolutions read separately, and adopted without discussion, until the seventh.

    A delegate moved to amend the seventh resolution by striking out the words "and hence we repel the charge of mingling Temperance and Politics".

    Another member moved a recommitment of the resolutions.

    Mr. CUNNINGHAM, D. C., spoke to the amendment. He stigmatized the legislators of the United States in Congress as debauchees [Cries of "Order."] Yes, debauchees--with exceptions. [Laughter.] Yes, there were many bright and honorable exceptions.  He did not expect men to vote against their party; but if their party did not propose Temperance men, let them go by default. He (Mr. C.) was a Democrat, and would not on any consideration vote for a Whig: [laughter and applause] but if his party did not propose a Temperance man, he would not vote for him. [Applause.]

    Gen. CAREY drew attention to the last clause of the resolution, as covering the ground and providing for everything his friend Mr. CUNNINGHAM and the other gentlemen sought.

    Mr. CLARKE, of New-Haven, rose and said he could not see how any gentleman could claim to be a firm friend of this cause, and yet declare that he would not vote for a Whig under any circumstances. He belonged to a different party from Mr. CUNNINGHAM, but his decision was this: If his own party put forward a man who was right on the Temperance question, he would vote for him --not without. If they did not, and the other party did nominate such a man, he would vote for him [Loud applause.] He believed that they should not despise any political party, but should draw all the votes of both parties that were favorable to Temperance measures. [Applause.]

    Mr. CUNNINGHAM rose make an explanation. His only object was to do the best he could to promote the Temperance cause; and when he urged the delegates to procure votes for the Temperance measure, he wished the people to adhere to their party, if they propose men who were favorable to Temperance; and if not, to let them go by default. In this way, they would insure both parties bringing forth candidates favorable to Temperance, and it mattered not whether Democrats or Whigs were in the ascendant, the cause of Temperance would prosper.

    Hon. Mr. CAREY requested that the amendment to recommit would be withdrawn, and he would propose a resolution which he thought would meet the views of all. The amendment was withdrawn temporarily, and Mr. CAREY read the following resolution, as a substitute for the original seventh resolution:

   Resolved, That this question involves all the best interests of society, and while we do not design to disturb the political parties, we do intend to have and enforce a law prohibiting the liquor manufacture and traffic, as a beverage, whatever may be the consequences to any or all the political parties, and we will act accordingly.

    Rev. Mr. MORRIS, of Pennsylvania, moved to recommit the resolutions.

    Judge O'NEALL thought the States on the other side of Mason and Dixon's line ought to be considered. If the resolution were passed in the strong form proposed, it would, in some Southern States, be entirely disruptive of the cause.

    Mr. WILLIAMS, of Alabama, said he had traveled some fifteen hundred miles to tell the Convention there were Temperance man in the South, and ready to cooperate in any wise decision of the Convention. Although there was not here a more ultra-Temperance man, yet he could freely vote for the report of the Business Committee. Just what was embraced in these resolutions was this: that if their party nominated Temperance men, they would vote for them; and this he considered to be the idea of every true Temperance man. [Applause] He moved that the substitute offered by his friend Mr. CAREY be laid on the table, and the original adopted.

    Hon. Mr. CAREY would not press his resolution, if it was not seen to embody every idea embraced in the original resolution. He would read both to the Convention.

    Mr. CHAMBERS, of Pennsylvania, said it was matter of surprise to him that there was so much indisposition to speak out on this question. From the first organization, it was notorious that both political parties were steeped in rum. [Applause] He, too, was a thorough Democrat but he would vote for his Satanic Majesty in preference to a rum-drinking Democrat. [Applause] He was in favor of Gen. CAREY's resolution, for he wanted it to go forth to the world that this Convention desired to have the political parties of this country washed clear from the influence of rum.

    Dr. BALLOU, of New-York, rose to speak in favor of recommitment for the purpose of substituting a resolution, declaring plainly that they did not propose to form a separate party, but would vote against any candidate not a Temperance men.

    Mr. HUNT, of Pa., known as "Father HUNT," came forward and said he was neither Democrat or Whig. but an old fogy Federalist of one idea. [Laughter.] Mr. H. spoke humorously on the advantage of having one idea and sticking by it and nothing else until obtained, as the surest means of success.

    The previous question was called for, and the motion to recommit last.

    The substitute by Gen. CAREY was then put and adopted.

    The hour for adjournment having arrived, the Convention adjourned to 3 o'clock.


    The Convention reassembled at 3 o'clock P. M.--Gen. CAREY in the Chair.

    Mr. CARSON, the author of what is termed, among the Temperance folks, "The Carson League," was called to the stand for the purpose of explaining the object of the organization he had set on foot. The object of the Carson League is the abolition of dram-shops, and the extermination of the liquor trade, by combining the moneyed, the political, and legal power of the State. The members of the League in his County (Onondaga) propose to raise the sum of $2,000,000, in this way viz: Each member gives the amount of his property or the assessment roll, or as much he will, to be assessed pro rata for the prosecution of all violations of the Excise Laws. Through the ballot-box, the league is pledged to get possession of a the offices in the towns, counties and State, that by the prohibition of the traffic may be accomplished. The legal influence was involved in the forgoing, for without the help of the Judiciary, all Temperance laws would unavailing.

    The subject was, on motion, referred, to Committee of Permanent Organization.

    The Convention then took up the eighth resolution the series reported on the previous day by the Business Committee.

    Dr. SNODGRASS supported the resolution and advocated the policy of the General Government prohibiting the introduction of all liquor into the country, except for the legitimate purposes of medicine and the arts; or, to give the State that have adopted the Maine Law, the option of rejecting all such importations. He offered a resolution as an addition to the one before the Convention; it is in the following terms:

    "And we accordingly recommend that, wherever national revenue laws, as in the United States, insure the passage of the original package through the custom houses, all States or Provinces so desiring, may either prohibit altogether the importation of foreign beverages into their borders, or discriminate against those imported merely as beverages, as may be deemed best under the local circumstances."

    Several Delegates objected. They thought that the Supreme Court had decided the right of the States in the premises.

    The resolution and addition were then referred to the Business Committee.

    The ninth resolution was taken into consideration.

    Mr. CLURE, of Boston, made a few forcible remarks. He attributed the increase of drunkenness in Boston, notwithstanding that they had a Maine Law on their statute books, to the fact that the Government of the City was on the side of the liquor dealers.

    Mr. JACKSON, of Pennsylvania, then came forward and entered into a long detail about the working of the Maine Law in Portland. He asserted that the opposition of the well-known JOHN NEAL, of Portland, to the law, arose from a pique against NEAL DOW.

    The remainder of the series of resolutions were adopted unanimously, after some verbal amendments.

    Rev. Mr. HILL, of Maine, came forward in compliance with numerous calls. He proclaimed that JOHN NEAL's statement, that there was as much liquor sold in Portland now as there was twenty years ago, was an unmitigated falsehood. Liquor bars in Maine were now as rare "as hens' teeth." [Laughter] JOHN NEAL ought to be invited to emigrate from the State.

    Several Voices--Where will you send him?--Down South--we don't want him here.


    Mr. CLARK, of Rochester, inquired whether or not the Committee on Credentials had refused to recognize as a delegate, a gentleman who had graduated with the highest distinction at the University of Edinburg, merely because his skin happened to be of a different color from theirs--he referred to Dr. McCUNE SMITH.

    The PRESIDENT--I cannot give the gentleman any information on the subject.

    A delegate here remarked that Dr. McCUNE presented himself as a delegate from the Fifth Ward Temperance Alliance, with credentials signed by the President of it, without the consent of the Alliance. The object Dr. S. had in coming there was not so much to promote the cause of Temperance, as to simply thrust himself on the Convention.

    The Convention then adjourned till 7½ o'clock, P. M.


    At the Evening Session of the Convention, the proceedings were interesting. We regret that our report is again unavoidably omitted until the Evening Edition, in consequence of the extraordinary pressure on our columns. Speeches were made by Judge O'NEALL of South Carolina, Rev. Mr. HATFIELD, and others, and a Maine Law poem recited by Rev. JOHN PIERPONT.

    The Hall took fire early in the evening, but no damage was done.

    A curious scene transpired, in the sale by auction of a barrel of flour, in aid of the Temperance cause in Wisconsin.

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