Document 42: Telegram (No. 21) from Foreign Minister Kosai Uchida to Consul General Shichitaro Yada, 16 February 1922, "On Mrs. Sanger's Visa." Japanese Foreign Ministry Archival Documents (JFMAD), Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Tokyo. Translated by Kazuhiro Oharazeki.


   Margaret Sanger was traveling from Detroit, where she spoke on February 15, to San Francisco. The Japanese government had yet to publicize its decision to bar her entry. They considered allowing her to enter but not to speak on birth control, but there was concern that cancelling Sanger's visit might give new impetus to the fledgling Japanese birth control movement. Sanger's visit had been announced about a month earlier, and the Japanese press was already covering her, publishing translations of her articles in Kaizo and interviewing Baroness Shidzue Ishimoto, who had become birth control's most notable advocate in Japan.[32]

Kosai Uchida to Shichitaro Yada

[Tokyo, Japan?]

February 16, 1922

   Even if [Sanger] promises not to give a lecture on birth control [in Japan], those who support her idea will organize dangerous campaigns. It will be difficult to handle them, and if we need to expel her from the country, the situation will become all the more complicated. In any event, please do as I directed in my telegram no. 18.[A]


A.See Document 41 from Kosai Uchida to Shichitaro Yada, 15 February 1922.
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