Document 28B: "A Few Typical Cases" at the Harlem Branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, ca. 1930, Reel 32, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Document 28B: "A Few Typical Cases" at the Harlem Branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, ca. 1930, Reel 32, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Broadhurst 3348


of the

2352 Seventh Avenue
Near 138th Street
New York City

Director Medical Director
Margaret Sanger
Hannah M. Stone, M.D.
Assistant Director Supervising Nurse
Mary MacAuley
Antoinette Field, R.N.

A FEW typical CASES (Number of children refers to living children.)

Patient 30 yrs, married 8 yrs, 5 children, all high forceps cases, 1 six mos. premature, still birth, 1 tubal pregnancy, husband was out of work 4 mos. when first visit. Pt. supporting family on part time job, $6.00 a week.

Patient 33 yrs, first preg, at 17 yrs. 9 children and one dead, 3 babies instrumental, 5 version cases. Husband $22.00 week.

Patient 26 yrs, deaf and dumb, husband also, he drinks, and is irresponsible, pts grandmother supporting the 3 children. oldest child 3 years.

Patient 31 yrs, 1 preg. at 16 yrs. 8 children, 2 stillbirths, one miscarr. husband $18.00 a week, has been out of work a long time. Patient a cardiac.

Patient 40 yrs, married 10 yrs, 4 children, oldest diabetic, 4 accid miscarr. each time curettage in hospital. one child dead at 3 wks. Husband ex-vet. gassed in war, $75.00 a month.

Patient 34 yrs, married 12 yrs. bad cardiac. 4 children, 2 miscarr. 1 stillbirth. 2 instrument cases. Husband one eye and other bad, $10.00 a week.

Patient 32 yrs. married 10 yrs. 2 children, one a club foot, and frail, 1 child died after 9 hours, abnormal, 15 accidental miscarr. whole family luetic.

Patient 21 yrs, married 5 yrs. 4 children, 1 miscarr. (twins), all children rachitic, mother bad speech defect. Husband $10 - $15 a week.

Patient 40 yrs, married 22 yrs, 12 children, and 2 died. Husband $22.00 a week.

Patient 27 yrs, married 9 yrs. 4 children, 2 dead, 3 accidental miscarr. Husband out of work 7 mos at time of 1st visit.

Patient 37 yrs. oldest child 16 yrs. 5 died under 1 yr of age. Had 3 miscarr. 2 instrumental births, Husband $10 - 15. when has work, Out of work some time when 1st visit.

Patient 32 yrs. 1st preg at 16 years. 7 children. Pt. had 3 yrs school. Husband and 3 oldest children under treatment for Lues.

Patient 23 yrs, married 8 yrs, 5 children, 2 died, 1st preg. at 15 yrs. Husband $20.00 a week, irregularly.

Patient 29 yrs, married 13 yrs, 4 children, 8 miscarr. from weakness, each time curettage in hospital, all children instrument cases.

Patient 29 yrs, married 9 yrs, 6 children, 1 rachitic, 2 died, all births long difficult labor. Husband drinks, works irreg. $24.00 week.

Patient 22 yrs, married over 6 yrs, 5 children, oldest T.B. Husband $15.00 a week, out of work at 1st visit. 1st preg at 15yrs.

Patient 27 yrs, 1st preg at 15 yrs. 8 children, Husband ex-vet, out of work 4 mos. at 1st visit. Average income $10.00 a week.

Patient 30 yrs, 1st preg. at 16 yrs. 3 children, 7 miscarr. 2 stillborn, 1 died at 2 mos.

Patient 32 yrs, 2 children, 15 accidental miscarr. 1st preg. at 22 yrs.

Patient 33 yrs, 1st preg at 17 yrs, 5 children, one with infantile paralysis, 4 died under one year, 2 miscarr. Husband our of work a yr.


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