Document 6D: "Why Working Women United," Labor Pains, 1, no. 1 (August 1975), p. 3.

Why Working Women United

   Without Carmita Wood there might never have been a Working Women United. Then again, without Working Women United, Carmita Wood might never have had the courage to go forward with her appeal to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.

   Ms. Wood and supporting women publicly argued that she had quit her job because of sexual harassment, an intolerable working condition. (The Appeals Board decision is still pending.) Together, these women planned the successful May 4th Speak Out about sexual harassment on the job. Working Women United was launched because the women who were there realized that sex discrimination will end only if we work together. We also understood that we had to be more than a monthly coffee klatsch: we had to act.

   WWU is already channeling ideas into projects. Among the Committees at work are the Legal Grievance Committee, the Political Action Committee, the Fundraising Committee, and the Publicity/Education Committee.

   Although WWU is eager to accomplish a lot, we are still a young group. We need as many women as possible to get involved. What kind of women do we need? All kindsliterally! Already Working Women United includes women from grandmothers to granddaughters, college professors to factory workers, radicals to conservatives. What unites us is our common bond of being women who have worked, who presently work, or who hope to work, and our common desire to eliminate the overt and subtle discrimination which affects all of us at work because we happen to be women. We ultimately want to build an organization with the power to guarantee and protect our rights and interests in the labor force.

   WWU needs and wants to share your ideas your frustrations, your sensitivity, and your enthusiasm. You as a woman need Working Women United to fight the battles and attain the victories which an individual, working alone, would find virtually impossible to do. Only by working together can women achieve what we deserve!

   Please fill out the membership form printed in this newsletter and get in touch with us soon. We need each other.


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