Document 9: Guerrilla Girls, Clocktower Advertisement, "Guerrilla Girls Review the Whitney," 1987, in Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls, by the Guerrilla Girls (whoever they really are) (New York: HarperPerennial, 1995), p. 46.

Document 9: Guerrilla Girls, Clocktower Advertisement, "Guerrilla Girls Review the Whitney," 1987, in Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls, by the Guerrilla Girls (whoever they really are) (New York: HarperPerennial, 1995), p. 46.


        The Clocktower, a non-profit gallery, asked the Guerrilla Girls to do a show during the Whitney Museum of American Art's Biennial in 1987. "They expected us to do a show of art we thought should be in the Biennial. Instead, we decided to do an exhibition of information exposing the museum's pathetic and worsening record on women and artists of color. All of the statistics came from the museum's own publications. A deep throat passed us confidential information about the lives of the museum's trustees."[26]

Copyright © 1987 by the Guerrilla Girls

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