Biographical Database of NAWSA Suffragists, 1890-1920

Biography of Rosa L. Segur, 1833-1906


SEGUR, Mrs. Rosa L., woman suffragist, born in Hussar, near Cassel, Germany, 30th January, 1833. When she was five years old her parents made the journey to America, settling first in Detroit, Mich., but finally, in 1840, selecting Toledo, Ohio, for a permanent home. Before she had completed her sixteenth year, she was a successful teacher in the same school. In 1851 she became the wife of Daniel Segur, whose encouragement of her literary efforts was constant. Three years before marriage she had begun to write short stories and sketches for the Toledo "Blade," which won public favor. She has been from the first a stanch supporter of movements in favor of woman suffrage. To her belongs much of the credit for obtaining the repeal of obnoxious laws in regard to the status of women in the State of Ohio.

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