How Did Eight Translations of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's WOMEN AND
Transmit Feminist Thought across National Boundaries in the
Years before World War I?
Document List




Document 1A: Aletta Jacobs, English translation of preface to De economische toestand der vrouw [The economic situation of women], 1900)

Document 1B: Aletta Jacobs, Dutch title page and preface to Charlotte Perkins Stetson, De economische toestand der vrouw [The economic situation of women], 1900

Document 2A: Marie Stritt, English translation of preface to Mann und Frau [Man and woman], 1901)

Document 2B: Marie Stritt, German title page and preface to Charlotte Perkins-Stetson, Mann und Frau [Man and woman], 1901)

Document 3A: Vernon Lee, "The Economic Dependence of Women," July, 1902

Document 3B: Vernon Lee, Italian title pages and "Proemio," Italian translation of preface to Carlotta Perkins Stetson, La donna e l'economia sociale [Woman and Social Economy], 1902

Document 4A: A. Kamenskii, English translation of preface to Sharlotta Stetson, Zhenshchiny i ekonomicheskoe otnoshenie [Women and Economic Relations], 1902

Document 4B: A. Kamenskii, Russian title page and preface to Sharlotta Stetson, Zhenshchiny i ekonomicheskoe otnoshenie [Women and Economic Relations], 1902

Document 5A: M. Mamurovskii, English translation of preface to Sharlotta Stetson, Ekonomicheskoe rabstvo zhenshchiny [Economic slavery of women], 1903

Document 5B: M. Mamurovskii, Title page and preface to Sharlotta Stetson, Ekonomicheskoe rabstvo zhenshchiny [Economic slavery of women], 1903

Document 6A: Rozsa Schwimmer, English translation of preface to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, A nő gazdasági helyzete [The economic situation of women], 1906)

Document 6B: Rozsa Schwimmer, Hungarian title page and preface to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, A nő gazdasági helyzete [The economic situation of women], 1906)

Document 7A: Stanton Coit, introduction to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics, 1906

Document 7B: Stanton Coit, Polish title page and preface to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kobieta a stan ekonomiczny [Woman and economic status], 1909

Document 8A: Jinzo Naruse, English translation of preface to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Fujin to keizai [Women and Economics], 1911

Document 8B: Jinzo Naruse, Japanese title page and preface to Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Fujin to keizai [Women and Economics], 1911

Document 9: Excerpt, Aletta Jacobs, Memories: My Life as an International Leader in Health, Suffrage, and Peace, 1924

Document 10A: Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Aletta Jacobs, 14 April 1902 and 30 October 1902

Document 10B: Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Aletta Jacobs, 11 January 1904, with 2-page lecturer flyer attached, ca. 1902

Document 10C: Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Aletta Jacobs, 26 April 1905

Document 10D: Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Aletta Jacobs, 22 September 1905

Document 11: Excerpt, "The Farewell Meeting," in May Ogilvie Gordon, The International Council of Women and the Meetings of the International Congress of Women in Berlin, 1904

Document 12: Aletta Jacobs to Rosika Schwimmer, 16 February 1905

Document 13: Martina Kramers, handwritten summary prepared for Charlotte Perkins Gilman of articles in the Dutch press about her talk in Amsterdam in March 1905



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