Document 13: Minutes, Status of Women in Librarianship, Council Committee, 1977 Midwinter Meeting, Washington, D.C., Series 81/2/1, Box 1, Folder Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship, 1976-89, American Library Association Archives, University of Illinois Library, 11 pp.


   These meeting minutes from February 1977 detail the discussion about priorities for the newly established Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship. Several women stated that data gathering and analysis were important while others said coordination of women's interests with other units in ALA was also important. Others wanted the group to monitor affirmative action concerns and to prepare pamphlets and guides about equal pay for equal work. Minutes of the second meeting of the group, beginning on page three, include reports from other women's interest groups within ALA, talk about applying for an ALA Goal Award, budget discussions, and discussions about attending meetings of women's groups outside of the ALA. As these minutes indicate, the Committee had many relevant issues and concerns to deal with as it began its work. The minutes conclude with several actions including creating a brochure for the committee and applying for a grant to do a profile on women in librarianship.

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American Library Association

Status of Women in Librarianship
Council Committee
1977 Midwinter Meeting
Washington DC

    Wednesday, Feb 2 8:30-10:30 pm

    Introduction and Background. Beth Marshall, chairperson opened the meeting by stating that this was the first meeting of the Status of Women in Librarianship Committee, which was established by ALA Council at the Annual Conference in 1976. After introductions of the committee members and observers, Liz Dickinson, chairperson of the Ad hoc Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship, outlined the background leading to the creation of the standing committee of Council. The purpose of the ad hoc committee, formed in November 1975, had been to document what was already taking place regarding activities relating to women in librarianship as well as those areas where gaps occurred. The ad hoc committee charge was to establish a purpose statement and suggest the most appropriate unit for action; this is outlined in the report submitted to Council in the Summer of 1976. The action program would be up to the standing committee; no attempt had been made to prioritize the activities, except to identify overall concerns followed by tangential areas. The purposes of the Council Committee as outlined in the Council report were then read to the group.

    Priorities. Beth Marshall asked each committee member to identify what she saw as priorities and as long and short range goals. Evelyn Hall felt that affiliation with other organizations and equal employment opportunity efforts were of primary concern.

    Diane Kadanoff stated affirmative action monitoring was important, as well as coordination of women's interests within ALA. However, she hoped the definition of "coordination" would be clarified since there are other groups, such as the Task Force on Women, also involved with coordinating activities. She expressed the hope that "coordination" by the committee would not involve having to give "permission" for an activity by a group. The group concurred that this was not the intent. Diane felt that the profile of women in librarinaship is an important long-range goal.

    Helen Wheeler felt that the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information was important, as was the official representation of librarians in the national dialogue relating to women's issues. She would like to see an open, clearcut commitment to the feminist approach in the committee's work. The ALA Goal Award is something the group should consider, as well as the use of the term Women Studies, rather than Women's Studies. She made a plea for a unified approach by the various women's groups within ALA.

    Judith Braunagle stated that data gathering and analysis as well as affirmative action were her two main concerns. Ellen Detlefsen stressed the importance of the advisory and policy making functions of the committee in relation to the Association; the group can't neglect the chance to review decisions of Council that affect women. She is also personally interested in education aspects, from non-credentialed women through the advanced levels and continuing education. Bibliographical materials and other resources are of concern to her also.

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    Karen Jackson stated that official representation with other national groups was of importance; she is also concerned with assurance of library services to the poor, senior citizens, minority groups and women in prison. The latter group is of particular interest to her and has been neglected by librarians.

    Jenrose Felmley stated coordination within ALA should be tackled on both a short and long-term basis in a planned way so that communication is not accidental or coincidental. Affirmative action monitoring should take place for both credential and non-credentialed woemn. Her personal interest involves information services to women library users; there is a need for more research on where collections are, etc.

    Helen Josephine cited coordination of ALA units as a priority, so that other groups could bring issues to the committee which could then in turn bring them to the attention of Council. Affiliation with other women's groups was important, as was research, particularly in the area of discrimination suits and grievance problems. Programming for women users was also of interest to her.

    Beth Marshall is interested in assessing the needs of women, as well as pushing for individual libraries to study the status of women in their workforce as part of affirmative action programs. She feels the comprehensive profile is a long-range goal, as might be a registry of women at middle management levels ready for moves into top administrative positions.

    Activities during 1977. Beth asked the group to determine what things might be accomplished between now and the Detroit Conference. Ellen Detlefsen thought more information should be obtained about other ALA units; Liz Dickinson pointed out this had been part of the ad hoc committee's report but perhaps follow-up was needed. The question was raised as to how to start the wheels in motion for a profile of women in librarianship. Margaret Myers suggested the group might wish to see what is published in an upcoming book by Kathy Weibel and Kathleen Heim. They have taken the bibliography on women in librarianship, analyzed the writings in relation to the overall women's movement by periods from 1876 to 1976.

    An observer wondered if the committee could help women who have specific grievances. The Special Libraries Association pamphlet on "Equal Pay for Equal Work" was cited as an example of the type of pamphlet which could point out avenues open to women who have experienced discrimination. It was also suggested that a committee could be formed to give guidance in specific situations involving discrimination.

    Another suggestion for action between now and Detroit was a brochure to send to state and regional associations to explain the functions of the committee. The possibility of a booth at the Detroit Conference was given as one method of visibility, as was a suite or relaxation space in Detroit where women could come and discuss mutual concerns.

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    Ellen Detlefsen felt that an article or handout would be imporant to identify the group and its stated purposes, as well as point-out those other parts of the ALA organization which have aspects dealing with women's interests and issues. She volunteered to go through the Handbook of Organization and begin work on this.

    Kathy Weibel had joined the session and explained more fully how the anthology on which she is working is being developed. It will be essentially a bibliographic essay and will pinpoint trends and issues while looking at the role of the women in librarianship within the context of the total library picture and the women's movement. It will be primarily a historical piece but will come up with many questions for others to explore and ideas for research.

    Discussion centered on follow-up to the questionnaire from the ad hoc committee which had gone to the ALA units and outside groups. It was felt that the new committee should contact each of these groups to state it was now in existence and wished to follow-up on what each of the groups was doing relating to women's issues and interests. Ellen Detlefsen will identify groups within ALA which should be contacted, while Karen Jackson will check the list of other professional women's groups. Diane Kadanoff will draft a letter to send to both groups. Committee members should have a chance to see the full responses to the questionnaires received by the ad hoc committee. These had been summarized in the ad hoc group's report.

    It was decided that the committee should have its own stationery, using the standard ALA letterhead with the committee's name.

    Thursday, Feb 3 2-6 pm

    Beth Marshall opened the meeting by stating that reports from other groups within and outside ALA would be given during the meeting.

    SRRT Task Force on Women -- Diane Kadanoff, coordinator of the Task Force on Women, reported that the group had met at Midwinter to re-examine its role; a statement of purpose, goals, and functions had been developed (Appendix A). The Task Force has helped to establish women's groups in other ALA units, such as a discussion group in RASD and a women administration group. It has also attempted to coordinate programming for the Detroit Conference on women's issues to try and avoid conflict in scheduling. The Task Force will have a program on Sunday, June 19 from 2-4 pm featuring Gail Sheeby speaking on "Career Choices." The group will also meet on Monday, June 20 from 10 am-12 noon, and Saturday, June 18 from 4:30-6 pm.

    Women Library Workers -- Helen Josephine mentioned that she had reprints of the January 1977 School Library Journal section describing the Task Force on Women, Women Library Workers, and the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship. She briefly described activities of the Women Library Workers, which is an independent organization with some 650 members and 24 chapters. The bulk of the work is done at the chapter level where needs of library workers in a community can be dealt with and changes made in work situations. Several letter writing campaigns had taken place, such as a recent letter to the Library of Congress

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regarding sexist subject headings. In the future, she stated the committee might wish to work on similar efforts in which WLW could alert the committee to action which might be needed and the committee might wish to consider. Issues that needed national recognition could be worked on together, but local problems were best solved at the chapter level. However, if an issue needed wider attention, it could be plugged into the network for various groups to react.

    Liaison with Other Groups -- Beth Marshall indicated that the committee members should act as liaisons to other groups within and without ALA and be aware of activities by these groups. She indicated that with Diane Kadanoff as coordinator of the SRRT Task Force on Women and Helen Josephine as liaison to Women Library Workers, these two groups are currently in communication with the committee. She hoped that contact could be maintained with the Canadian Library Association Committee on Women, although this might be only by correspondence.

    Ellen Detlefsen reported that she had identified groups within ALA since the previous meeting with which the committee should be in contact. These were the RASD Women's Discussion Group, CSD Sexism in Library Materials for Children Group, YASD Sexism in Adolescent Literature Committee, the SRRT Task Force on Women; Gay Liberation Task Force, some of the SRRT affiliates (ie Boston, Connecticut and RI women's groups); LAD/PAS Racism and Sexism Awareness Training Committee; Women's Administrators Discussion Group (to be perhaps affilated with LAD); HRLSD Service to Prisoners Group; and OLPR Advisory Committee and its EEO subcommittee. The Library History Round Table had done past programming relating to women; RTSD and LED were also concerned with carrying out parts of the resolution on sexism and racism; the Washington Office was monitoring affirmative action legislation and implementation on the federal level; and ACRL had completed a recent salary survey. However, there were other groups within ALA with no apparent subgroup or programming around women's interests and issues. These included AASL, ALTA, ISAD, PLA, JMRT, SORT and Exhibits Round Table.

    She mentioned that there were many units which might need monitoring efforts by the committee such as COPES, Committee on Organization, Committee on Accreditation, White House Conference, etc. In addition, there was probably some interest among the state and regional chapters as well as the various minority caucuses. ALA also has a long list of representatives to other organizations which the committee might like to check such as the Girls Clubs of America and Parents without Partners.

    Beth Marshall suggested typing a list of these various groups and then determining which committee members might be able to monitor or act as liaison to the various groups.

    Clara Jackson pointed out that the Task Force on Women could help since they had more members. Ellen Detlefsen indicated committee members should perhaps monitor the ALA "power" groups and the Task Force might help with attending those groups which already are aware of women's issues. It would be better to indicate that the Status of Women in Librarianship Committee was monitoring these activities, although help from interested friends was welcomed.

    Miriam Crawford suggested that the list of external groups could be circulated to those attending the committee sessions because these individuals could help keep the committee informed of activities. For instance, she was a member of the Society for American Archivists which has an active women's group within it.

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The Special Libraries Association, and the Medical Library Association were mentioned also as two groups with which the group should keep contact.

    A list will be compiled of groups in and out of librarianship and sent to interested individuals, so that a beginning could be made regarding liaison contacts.

    Diane Kadanoff read drafts of 3 different letters she had prepared which could go to ALA units, outside organizations which had responded to the ad hoc committee questionnaire, and outside groups which had not responded or had not received a questionnaire. It was agreed that Beth Marshall would finalize the letters, obtain the lists of groups from Ellen Detlefsen and Karen Jackson, and work with the ALA staff liaison in sending these out from Headquarters.

    It was also agreed that the ALA address would be used as the official address but the individual committee member names and addresses could go on the letters also. Although it was recognized that individual names should not get too attached to the committee, it was felt that publicizing the committee member names would personalize the group and show that it was an open and approachable committee which welcomed contact with all interested groups and individuals. It was suggested that the feminist collective approach could be taken by alphabetizing by surname.

    ALA Goal Award -- Margaret Myers outlined the procedures and purpose of the ALA Goal Award which allows ALA units to submit proposals for funding of specific projects to carry out the goal and objectives of the Association. This year there would only be $9600 available; the deadline date for submission of the proposal is February 21. It was decided that it would not be advisable to submit a proposal for this year because of the close application deadline and because the group was still defining its priorities and would not want to submit a proposal which was prepared in haste. The committee will solicit ideas from others as well as sending in suggestions to Judith Braunagle (SUNY Buffalo Library School) before the Detroit Conference. She will cummulate and categorize these and present to the Committee in Detroit, with the idea of possibly submiting a proposal in 1978.

    Women in Library Management Institute -- Judith Braunagle reported on the USOE funded institute to be held June 6-10, 1977 at SUNY-Buffalo. She encouraged individuals to apply by February 20. The goal is not to train library managers but to train individuals to gain skills for effecting change in their own organization and to encourage women to move up the career ladder in their own communities.

    1977 Annual Conference -- Beth Marshall pointed out the need to schedule committee meetings for the Detroit Conference in June; she indicated it would be impossible to totally avoid conflict between various group meetings but that this would be avoided as much as possible. Each committee member should turn in a list of other committee assignments. Diane Kadanoff gave a list of programming on women's issues which had already been identified by the Task Force on Women. It was generally felt three sessions should be held, scattered throughout the week and coming before and after some of the Council meetings.

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    A report to Council at Detroit was discussed; the group would like to present an oral report which would include an action item or items. Beth Marshall will follow through on seeing that the committee is given a space on the Council docket.

    1977-78 Budget -- Margaret Myers outlined the steps involved in the ALA budget procedure and stated that although the fiscal year ran from September 1 through August 31, it was necessary to turn in a budget request by March 1. COPES was also requesting that groups list expenses which they would consider cutting or removing first should this be necessary due to the overall grim financial picture.

    The committee members pointed out they were still in the process of identifying priorities and these should be reflected in the budget. Also it was not possible to judge actual expenditures since the group was new and also starting late in the year and did not have large expenses recorded as yet. It was decided to postpone further discussion until later in the meeting after more projects were determined.

    Resolution on Sexism and Racism -- Judith Farley had attended a meeting of the Intellectual Freedom Committee and reported that CSD was recommending rescinding the resolution on sexism and racism which had been passed by Council at the 1976 Annual Conference. It was felt that the resolution conflicted with the Library Bill of Rights and principles of intellectual freedom matters. The IFC Committee wished to explore this further. The Committee on Women in Librarianship agreed to speak at Council to urge defeat of this IFC motion and deplore the move to rescind the resolution. Ellen Detlefsen began work on a draft statement; however, later in the meeting, it was reported that the Executive Board would not support the IFC motion to rescind and it would not be brought up at Council.

    Federation of Organizations for Professional Women -- Donna Duvall, Associate Director of the Federation, addressed the committee and briefly outlined some of the Federation activities. She questioned if one of the committee members in the DC area could not act as a representative from ALA; Beth Marshall stated Jen Felmley was in the DC area and could do this.

    In 1972, the Federation was formed as an umbrella group to provide united action by women's groups on many issues. Over 100 affiliate groups now belong. The representatives meet once a year; most of the work is carried out by an elected Council. Grants have been obtained to establish an International Center for Research on Women and also to establish a network on women and health related issues. The Federation is also part of other coalitions, such as the National Women's Political Caucus and has worked to influence government appointments. A newsletter Alert is published; committee members should be receiving these as part of the ALA membership. There are a number of active task forces, such as one on public policy. Sometimes affiliate groups request a certain type of task force and take responsibility for running it.

    Jen Felmley described a Federation conference she had attended when researchers and activist groups were brought together to move "research into action."

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A grant in 1974 had been used to establish a Wellesley Office to promote on women in higher education and the professions.

    Beth Marshall stated that the Federation provides a central way for ALA to have interaction with women in other organizations.

    Women Studies Conference -- Helen Josephine reported on a "founding" convention she attended in January in Berkeley to establish an organization concerned with women studies in the broadest sense -- from K-12 grades through higher education and community based women's information programs. She recommended the committee keep in contact with this group which attracted over 600 women from all over the US. She will send further communication and information about membership fees. There was an active Library/Media Resources Subcommittee at the conference.

    Network of Women's Resources -- Jenrose Felmley outlined activities of the group of information persons working with women's collections which began last year to explore cooperative projects to avoid duplication. A directory of women's resources as well as a union list of serials are possible products. She described a $400,000 grant given to ETS under the Women's Educational Equity Act to design an information network for women's resources. Various women's groups had objected to the way in which the Act had been implemented to date. The network will be meeting in DC after ALA to determine if they can influence the development of this network in any way and to discuss how to do a better job in developing the women's resources which exist. The committee might wish to talk further in Detroit how an information system to meet women's needs can best be organized. There is a need for concrete suggestions from people who know information systems to give alternative suggestions to what ETS proposes. Jen would like to see the committee promote research as to how the existing women's resources can be identified and used better. She will keep the committee informed on further activities.

    Committee membership -- Diane Kadanoff raised the issue of attendance by committee members and questioned if the two absent members had communicated reasons as to their lack of attendance. She felt there were many interested women who would like to serve and should be given a chance providing the present members could not attend. Beth Marshall will write a letter and communicate with those members not in attendance.

    Helen Josephine said there was some confusion about committee representation Is there an official liaison from the Task Force on Women and Women Library Workers on the committee? What are the criteria for selection? It was pointed out that the ALA President/elect chaired the Committee on Committees and made the Council committee appointments.

    International Women's Decade -- Committee members had received an initial letter explaining activities relating to the National Observance of the International Women's Year and Decade. Beth Marshall read another letter (Appendix B) stating that ALA was considered a non-governmental organization which would be notified when planning meetings were held. Evelyn Hall questioned how we might participate in the state conferences. Beth Marshall agreed to send a letter to state coordinators where committee members lived asking for representation in the planning groups on the state level.

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    Representation to other groups -- Beth Marshall asked for committee input on how representation to outside group meetings might best be handled. The group consensus was to try for representation according to geographical areas as much as possible, depending on where the meetings were held. If many were held in the DC area, perhaps other East Coast representatives would attend so that one person would not be burdened.

    Women's International Network -- A letter from WIN (Appendix C) was read by Beth Marshall. This group would like to communicate with other women's groups. Beth will send more information to the committee and follow-up to get more details on how the committee might best relate to such a group.

    Visibility for Committee -- It was hoped that the national library journals might include coverage of the committee meetings at Midwinter. Some discussion took place concerning a possible column on women's issues in American Libraries; it was pointed out that a regular column or page may not be likely, but information for "Sources" could be sent to Liz Mitchell. Also action items and news would likely be printed, although status quo reports would probably not be included.

    Activities before Annual Conference -- Beth Marshall clarified actions to take place particularly between now and the Detroit Conference.

    Ellen Detlefsen will work on a draft of a possible handout/brochure which will be circulated to the committee for reaction and approval.

    A booth which must be staffed continiously or a suite at Detroit were decided against, although it was felt important that the committee set up a table somewhere which could be staffed during certain periods to be announced in advance in the ALA Exhibit Area or outside it, or in the Headquarters Area. Also in the program, an announcement should be made that committee meetings are open to all interested persons, and that committee members will wear some identifying ribbon or button so individuals can address their concerns to these committee persons.

    Beth Marshall will work on this, along with beginning a draft of an annual report to be given at Council. This report will include information on groups with which the committee has affiliated. Jen Felmley suggested that an action item for Detroit be a resolution asking that ALA not accept bids for convention sites in states which have not ratified the ERA. She volunteered to draft this resolution.

    Diane Kadanoff pointed out that the current Handbook of Organization still had sexist terminology in spite of reminders and resolutions in the past. This should be pointed out again.

    Discussion also centered on how best to begin work on a profile of women in librarianship. It was felt that the committee could not carry out the data collection and analysis but should see to it that another group do this. Included in the annual report could be the rationale for this and preliminary steps for a proposal which Council should be asked to back and recommend to an

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appropriate ALA unit. Beth Marshall stated we should develop a statement on exactly what we wanted to see in such a profile. She volunteered to draft this for committee reaction.

    1977-78 Budget -- The budget to be submitted on March 1 was again discussed. There was a general consensus that no items be eliminated but an explanation be made of why this wasn't being done. If cutting needed to be done, it would perhaps be in the travel line, because the committee would try to extend representation to other groups by sending the closest geographically situated member to hold down on expenses, although registration fees and other minor travel expenses could be paid. Some printing and duplicating might be absorbed by committee member institutions.

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FEBRUARY 2, 1977 8:30--10:30 P.M.
Michelle Rudy 911 North Apt 4, Lafayette, IN 47904
Helen Josephine 1032 Cragmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 94708
Jen Felmley 4509 Lowell St. NW, Washington, DC
Liz Dickinson 5600 Edgewater Blvd. Mpls, MN 55417
Karen L. Jackson Montc. P.L., 50 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair NJ 07042
Ellen Gay Detlefsen GSLIS-Univ. of PGH. Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Janifer Buce 520 Dan Lane NE, Atlanta GA 30324
Sherill Smith 2886 1/2 Schafer, Saginaw, MI 48604
Florence Manni 50 Colonial Rd., Providence, RI 02906
Silvia Delgado Espinosa 8738 Norfolk Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70807
Zeida L. Ruga 3943 Claus Circle, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Judith Braunagel 1905 Sweet Home Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221
Julie Chase 224 Fry St., Denton, TX 76201
Judy McQuade University of Texas at El Paso 79968
Betsy Sharer Women's Information Center, Undergraduate Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
4413 Wanen St., NW, Washington, DC 20016
Betty Lowe 2160 Allen Blvd., Middleton, WI 53562
Malis Wendt 40 W. 72nd St. #118, NYC NY 10023
Kathleen Weibel Univ. of Wise, Extension
Linda Bills Univ. of West Florida Lib. 249 Creekview
Pensacola, FL
Shirley Havens Library Journal 1180 Ave. of Amer., NY 10036
Regina Minudri Alameda County Library, 224 W. Winters Ave.
Hayward, CA 94544
Janette Neal Free Library of Philadelphia
Virginia Conrad Univ. of Mass Lib. AMherst, MA 01002
Helen R. Wheeler c/o 2325 Oak St, Berkeley CA 94708
Michele Leber VA Beach PL, 302 22nd st., VA Beach, VA 23451
Diane Gordon Kadanoff Cumberland Public Library, Cumberland, R.I.
Clara Jackson Kent State U. Kent OH 44242
Evelyn Hall Queensborough Public Library, Jamaica, NY
Janice Morris Duke U. Perkins Library, Durham, NC
Nella Crugnola Ferguson Library, 96 Broad St., Stanford, CT 06901
Betty Carol Sellen Bkln. College L., Brooklyn, NY 11210
Joan K. Marshall Brooklyn College Library, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Suzanne LeBarron Mpls Public Library, MPls, MN
Elizabeth Futas 63 Ave. A, NYC 10009
Susan Vaughn Brooklyn College Library, Brooklyn, NY 11210
Particia Harper Wilson Library Bulletin, 950 University Bronx, NY 10362
Sherrie Bergman Wheaton College Library, Norton MA 02766
Linda Bartley National Serials Data Program, LC, Washington 20540
Miriam Crawford 4240 Parkside Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Pat Rom Library, Bucknell Univ. Lewisburg, PA 17837
Bernadine Hoduski Joint Committee on Printing 5151 U.S. Capitol Washington, DC 20510
Mail to home 224 10th SE, Washington, DC 20003
Beth Marshall U. of Chicago, Regenstein Library, 1100 E 57th, Chicago, IL 60637
Margaret Myers ALA
Eileen Zilius ALA

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February 3, 1977 2:00-6:00 pm
Judith Braunagel SUNY 1 Buffalo
Eveyln E Hall Queens Borough Public Library, Jamaica NY
Diane Gordon Kadanoff Cumberland PL, Cumberland RI 02916
Helen Wheeler %2325 Oaks St, Berkeley CA 94708 (ALA: Sheraton P:
M376. Detroit ALA: Ponclatrain)
Clara Jackson Kent State University, Kent OH 44242
Janette Neal Free Library of Philadelphia
Karen Jackson Montclaire Public Library, Mont. NJ
Michelle Rudy 911 North St Apt 4, Lafayette IN 47904
Beatrice C Ohta Library of Congress
Linda G Bills University of West Florida Library
Virginia P Rilee Balto Co Public Library (Maryland)
Nancy Kellum-Rose San Francisco PL
Suzanne LeBarron Mpls Public Library, Mpls MN
Kay Cassell Bethlehem Terrace, H-181, Slingerlands NY 12159
(Bethlehem Public Library)
Liz Dickinson 5600 Edgewater Blvd, Mpls MN 55417
Liz Mitchell American Libraries, ALA HQ (50 E Huron, Chicago 60611)
Helen Josephine 1032 Cragmont Ave, Berkeley CA 94708
Ellen Gay Detlefsen GSLIS-Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260
Jen Felmley BP Co Found Library
Mimi Penchansky Queens College Library, Flushing NY 11367
Judith Farley Library of Congress
Morrigene Holcomb Library of Congress
Miriam Crawford Temple University, Philadelphia PA 19122
Pat Rom Bucknell Univ Lewisburg PA 17837
Rebecca Dixon Boys Town Center Omaha NE 68144
Gloria Davidson TC Wms High School, Alexandria VA 22302
Thangam R Iyer Library of Congress Washington DC
Joan F Higbee Library of Congress
Mya Thanda Pae Library of Congress
Barbara Ford University of Illinois, Chicago
Dede Newport Washington DC
Beth Stafford University of Illinois, Urbana
Charlyne Godsden Queens Borough Public NY, Langston Hughs Lib & Cultural C
Patrice Harper Wilson Library Bulletin, NYC
Lois D Rose Library of Congress
Beth Marshall University of Chicago, Regenstein Lib, 1100 E 57th Chicago IL 60637
Margaret Myers ALA
Michele Heinz ALA

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