Document 12B: "The World's Temperance Convention. The Old Fogies Victorious at Last," The [N.Y.] Weekly Herald, Sept. 17, 1853, p. 299.

[p. 299]




Wendell Phillips & Co. Discarded by the
Cold Water Army.

Fred Douglass Denied Admission into the Camp

The Convention Composed of White Men.



&c., &c., &c.

    At 9 A. M. on Thursday, Sept. 8, the third day's session of the World's Temperance Convention commenced. The leaders of the cold water army, intent upon depriving the leaders on of the fun displayed the day before stationed a committee at the door, with positive orders to admit none who had not with them their credentials to the convention. All who were not thus provided with the proper pass were turned into the galleries. Wendell Phillips was admitted, but it was only to be turned out again, after he had taken his seat. Whether orders were given to admit only while men, we cannot say; but a black man, calling himself Frederick Douglass, presented his credentials at the door and demanded admittance as a delegate from Rchester. He didn't get through. He was informed this was a while man's convention, and that the best accommodations that could be afforded to him, were to be found in the upper gallery, especially made for the use of colored gentlemen. The Napoleoness (If we may be allowed the word) of the day before, Miss Antoincite Brown, was not discovered among the audience. From the new arrangements, she was only there through her representative, Wendell Phillips.

    The absence of the petticoats accounted for the comparative order and coolness of yesterday's deliberations. The delegates went on like men who were not afraid to act. There were about three hundred delegates admitted on the lower floor, when the meeting was called to order. The galleries were Billed with ladies and gentlemen, who, no doubt, had come in expectation of a re-performence of the amusements of the day before.

    The President, Neal Dow, Esq., introduced the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, of Brooklyn, who opened the proceedings with prayer.

    The minutes, of the previous day were then read, and opposed by Wendell Phillips. Mr. P. rose and attempted to speak, when

    The Hon. Mr. HOAR, of Massachusetts, said--Mr. President, I rise to a point of order. (Several voices--"Go on the stand." "Take the platform.")

    "Keep still," said Judge HOAR, "and I will speak load enough for you all to hear me."

    Judge H. proceeded--I regret that Mr. Phillips, powerful in oratory and intellect, and desirable are co-operator in any great cause in which the heart takes part, should be here representing himself as a delegate to this convention upon doubtful credentials. Certain reports have been made in reference to the papers which he bears, which fasten fraud upon parties somewhere connected with his presence here. For his own sake, for the honor of this convention, and for my sake, I hope it will be referred to a committee to examine and report upon the credentials which the gentleman bears, that he may be freed from any impatation which may rest against him. (Cried of hear, hear) I therefore move to refer Mr. Phillips' credentials to a committee to examine.

    Mr. Phillips at once saw this was his death blow if it passed; he must kill it if possible. He had plausibility on his side, and he made the most of it; but all to no purpose.

    Mr. P. said, in reply in Judge Hoar--We are all here upon our own assertion. How any of us came in possesion of our papers has not yet been an inquiry. (Applause) You have no right to go back of this in my particular case. You have yet adopted no rules for the trial of our papers. I have my papers in my pocket, signed by gentlemen of the highest respectability--papers which will compare, as to character and with those upon any credentials in this house. (Applause) If you at this stage of the Convention put me on trial, by for fosting my rights am I to go by? You have yet instituted note. If you will lay down , and tell me what papers I should bring here I will guarantee to fetch them. (Applause.) If Judge HOAR thinks my papers are forged, I am prepared to prove their genuineness; but that is all I am prepared to do.

    Judge HOAR--I rise to a point of order. I don't like to have Mr. Phillips mistate and misrepresent. (Sensation in the audience) I have not charged that gentlemen with any such thing as forgery; I said his credentials were not fully understood. There were reports against them that were necessary to be explained.

    Mr. with much feeling proceeded.--The gentleman used the word fraud; a hard word to be used between him and me, who have acted together in many a great and glorious . And were I in Massachusetts, it would not be necessary for me to repel such a charge, even though it came from out as venerable as he who makes the charge now. (Voices of hear, hear.)

    Various motions were made to amend, substitute, lay upon the table, &c., After some difficulty, the vote was taken upon the original motion of Judge Hoar, and the convention decided to refer Mr. Phillips' credentials to the committee for their examination.

    This was a death blow to the whole crew. No one for a moment thought that the committee would report in favor of them. Mr. Phillips had already played too conspicuous a part, and become too obnoxious to the convention. All the hopes of the great disturber, Antoinette Brown, were crushed at one fell blow. Her champion had evidently heard his death knell.

    Mr. PHILLIPS--May I ask the Chair whether I am a member of this hours while my papers are under consideration?

    CHAIR--You are not a member until the committee report.

    Mr. PHILLIPS, feeling that his race had been run and lost, have left the house, to the great satisfaction of the while men and women deligates.

    Some of his friends, by way of revenge and retaliation, moved that all the credentials of the delegates from Massachusetts to referred to the committee on Credentials. (Laughter, and cries of "Good," "That's right," "It is shameful, such barefaced injustice.")

    But it was no go. The charge had brought down the object at which it had been fired, and the Convention were content to let the matter rest there. Phillips was killed off, the disturbers were disturbed and routed; there was no hope for the reappearance of a single petticoat upon the field, and "quiet reigned in Denmark."

    The motion was put and lost.

    The CHAIR--NOW the question comes up for the acceptance of the minutes. Various amendments were proposed and lost.

    The vote was then taken upon the adoption of the minutes, and carried.

    It was then moved and carried, that the order of business be swepended in order to allow General Cary, of Ohio, to offer a resolution. This was a trap for the disturbers, but themselves not being in the secret, and not suspecting what was coming fell into the snare, and the motion was carried unanimously.

    Gen. CARY, of Ohio, then read the following:--,

    Resolved, That inasmuch as this convention has been interrupted in its proceedings by a faction of disorganizers, assembled in New York city for the purpose, and whose design is to involve the cause of temperance, world-wide in its popularity, with their peculiar notions and topics not connected with the temperance reform, it becomes a duty we own to ourselves and to the world to avow distinctly that our great and only pupose is to prohibit the manufacture and traffic of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. And we solemnly protest against, and will resist every effort, from any quarter to involve this with any other question, moral, social, political, or religions.

    Resolved, That the common of society have excluded woman from the public platform, and, whether right or wrong, it is not our province now to determine; but we will conform our action during the present-convention to public , and exclude females from participating in the public discussions of this convention.

    Great applause and hissing followed the reading of these resolutions. It was a clincher to the proceedings in regard to Phillips. The abolitionists and different saw their entire two days fight about to be wiped away by one sweep from Gen. Cary. The General looked satisfied as he saw from the scene around him that his resolutions were safe.

    "I move they lay upon the table," says a petticoat man. "They will lay you on the table first." replies another. "Move to amend." "Shame on this injustice," "Hear the fluttering of the skirts." "Breeches triumphant."

    Above all the tumult, Snodgrass was occasionally heard to mean forth--I rise to a point of order. I call for a discussion on the resolutions. I am willing to go, myself, for all after the words "it becomes," &c.

    It was soon seen that Dr. Snodgrass--who, by the way, is from Maryland, and not of New York, as we published yesterday--wanted an opportunity to come around. He began to repeat. Phillips had gone. He was left alone, a pigmy among the mountains. He cried lustily for an opportunity to speak. In pity he was at last tolorated, and time was given him to say distinctly that he voted for all after "it becomes," &c., opposition to women, disorder, and all.

    Several others tried to get an opportunity to follow suit; but the cry for the vote on the resolutions drowned the voices of them all.

    The first and second resolutions were then separately put to the house, and, by a large majority, both adopted. (Great tumult, applause, hisses, laughter, and invective.)

    The against the New York disorganizers (as the resolutions termed them) being now ended, the Chair stated that reports would be now presented from the different committees.

    The Rev. Mr. CUYLER, of New Jersey, then presented a report from the committee appointed to prepare an address to young men, which was adopted.

    Mr. HUNT, of N. O--I take to ask any privilege of this body, but I know my temperance brothers will refuse me nothing which they can great conditionally. I wish you to hear a young men who has some explanations to make, and who finds it difficult to gain your attention. The young gentleman to whom I allude is a great temperance, advocate, the editor of a temperance paper in Wisconsin, and the only editor who refuses to publish rum notices. (Applause.) Will you hear him?. (Cries of "We will," "we will."). I introduce to you, Mr. Booth of Wisconsin.

    Here the hairy gentleman mounted the stand, who was yesterday so summarily ejected from the house while claiming the editorial privilege.

    Mr. BOOTH said--I was resterday turned out of the room with violence, by order of the President. I considered I had a right to a seat in the house as a reporter, although I was a delegate. I was turned out so violently by the officer, as to knock over three or four men. (Laughter.) I have done much for the temperance cause; I have travelled and lectured upon it. And am now the editor of a paper, in which capacity I sacrifice many hundred dollars per year, because I will not publish the notices of the rumseller. (Loud applause.) I complain, that I have been treated with indignity. That is all I have to say.

    The CHAIR--The unfortunate condition of the gentleman arises from the fact, that yesterday he took an active part in the body of the house, and did not claim to be a reporter till the order was given to clear the hours. He did not during the day, as he should, take a seat at the reporter's table.

    Mr. BOOTH--When I came here I intended to do so, but found the tables full. (Several voices, "well, that's enough," "that will do." "let the matter drop")

    The thanks then introduced

    Mr. WALCOT. He said--I rise reluctantly to save the reputation of this convention. I wish a reconsideration of the resolutions just passed--the resolutions of General Cary. (Sensation through the audience. The conquerors cough and the conquered straighten up, and look fresh with hope) The gentleman then proceeded to discuss the motion, when he was interrupted by the chair saying he was out of order, the motion not being seconded.

    A DOZEN VOICES--"We second the motion," "second the motion."

    Mr. HUNT--I rise in a point of orders. The gentleman has no right to speak upon this motion.

    The CHAIR sustained this point of Mr. Hunt.

    The reading of General Cary's resolutions was then called for. They were read accordingly.

    The excitement increases. Some thought there might be a reaction. They were doomed to disappointment. The motion to reconsider was put and lost. (Applause and hisses.)

    The Rev. George DUFFIELD then read a report from the "Committee on Obstacles in the way of Progress" In connection with this report were the following resolutions:--

    Resolved, That the cause of temperance in its original and legitimate relations is equally above sect as it is above party, and that it is no other than the great cause of humanity itself.

    Resolved, That it is alike according to the dictates of common sense, and the experience of the world at large, that the platform of this cause should be confined to as few and simple principles as follows:--

    Resolved, That it is injurious to any cause when it is made to subserve ulterior and subordinate purposes, party or personal.

    Resolved, That they are traitors to the cause of humanity, who endeavor to subvert our cause, in order to advance what they consider to be another.

    Resolved, That this convention, as they would not put the shadow back ten degrees upon the dial, and jeopard important elections in different parts of the land, now called upon to take a last and desporate stand, and by a strong and determined arm lift once more this glorious cause high above Associations that are as uncalled for as they are ruinous.

    Resolved, That this cause of temperance is a question altogether separate and apart from the question of woman's rights, abolition, land reform, or any other, and that it must stand or fall upon its own merits.

    It was moved to amend by striking out the last portion of the report.

    Mr. WALCOT, of Rhode Island--I second the motion, and wish to speak to them. Let me repeat, that nothing can be further from me than a desire to occupy the time of this convention. (Laughter.) But I have responsibilities however, as a delegate, which cannot he evaded But while my convictions are against women rushing in the thickest of the fight in debate, yet I would not perform the slightest shadow of injustice to any mortal, to save this convention from a volcanic eruption. (Laughter and applause.)

    The gentleman was here called to order. A motion was then made to refer back the entire report to the committee.

    After some debate, Judge O'NEAL moved to lay the motion to refer upon the table, which was carried.

    CHAIR--The vote now comes up on the adoption of the report and resolutions;are you ready for the question? (Cries of "Ready, ready.") The vote was taken and the report adopted (Applause and hisses; great tumult)

    Mr. MARSH then read the following report of the Committee on Credentials, in regard to the papers of Wendell Phillips. This was an interestimg subject to the convention, and all were silent to hear the report. It was, as most expected, against the fems, abolitionists and disorganizers. The report was as follows:--

    The Committee on Credentials report that certificates were handed to them from the "Nineteenth ward Neal Dow Association of New York," one of them bearing the name of Wendell Phillips. The committee resolved it, suppoting it to be a regular total abstinence society in this city, but they have since learned, from good authority, that it was a now creation, formed after this convention had assembled, for the purpose of sending delegates to this convention. They cannot consider such certificates as regular credentials, and therefore do not entitle the holders to a seat.

    This report was adopted, and great was the tumult again. The factionists were bent on dying game. But it was no use to hang out. The had gone forth. They caved in.

    Mr. MCCLURE then read a report from the Committee in the Political Economy of the Maine Law.

    This report was unanimously adopted

    It was then moved and carried, that the Committee on Publication, when appointed, have the power to revise these reports as regards verbal mistakes. There were many who objected. But it was no use. The chair would not notice them.

    Mr. CLARE, of Mass., then read a report from the Committee in Prepare an Address to Foreign Governments, which was also adopted.

    Gen. CARY then moved to take from the table Mr. Marah's resolutions of yesterday, being the report of the Business Committee. This was carried, and resolutions were then taken up singly for adoption:--

    (These resolutions were published in fall in yesterday's HERALD. in the report of the Business Committee.)

    The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth resolutions, were endorsed and adopted with no alterations. When the seventh resolution came up, a long debate took place upon it, it being locked upon as one of the most important points of the Convention. We republish this resolution. It is as follows:--

    A question of such vast in its bearing upon the moral and physical interests of humanity and upon every department of human industry as the Maine law, should never, in the of this Convention, become a question of party politics but should ever be presented as one of universal , to be decided by the whole people upon its true merits; and hence we repel the charges of mingling temperance and politics; but if any political party opposes the law for the purpose of retaining civil power, we feel bound to consider that action as at war with the best interests of the community, and to withheld form that party our votes, and in no case will we give our votes to any but those whom we know will secure and sustain the statute we demand.

    Several spoke, expressing their opinions in regard to the propriety of mingling the temperance question with party politics.

    Mr. , from the District of Columbia, said-- I am a party man, but I am in faver of the Maine law with party. I will vote for a sober whig before I will for a drunken democrat. (Applause) I think we should come out before the world, and take our stand as pledged to the Maine law at the ballot box.

    JOHN PIERPONT, if Mass--I am opposed to linking this question with party. We temperance men are not beholden to party. The temperance cause is superior to it. I wish this Convention to speak out in a language not capable of being misunderstood.

    Hon. Judge HOAR, of Mass.--I desire, Mr. President, if I can, to induce the gentlemen who differ in regard to the propriety of this linking ourselves with party to go together. They all mean the same thing but only differ as regards the means of accomplishing their end. We in Massachusetts go further than the gentleman from the District of Columbia. In Massachusetts, if the whig party nominate men who are not Maine law men, they get no vote of mine. (Applause.) And if the or free nominate a decent man, who is a Maine law man, he gets my vote (Applause) This is the end of us all, to gain power from the ballot box To do this, we must carry the question there, as expressed in the resolution.

    Gen. CARY, of Ohio--If the gentleman will give way for one moment I think I can stop all discussion by offering the following resolution as a substitute:--

    Resolved, That this question involves all the best interests of society and while we do not design to disturb political parties, we do intend to have and enforce a law prohibiting liquor manufacture and traffic as a beverage whatever may be the consequence to any or all political parties, and we will vote and act accordingly.

    This was seconded, when Mr. CARSON, of the Carson League in Western New York, said:--

    Mr. President--What have we come up here for. I wouldn't go a for any such resolutions. They amount to nothing I will will you how to get rid of these rumsellers if you will give me a charge. (Calls for the "Question." "Question.")

    Mr. JACKSON, of Penn.--As a member of the Business Committee, I wish this resolution referred back to the Business Committee.

    Mr. MORRIS, of Penn.--This is the most important resolution or question which has been before us. I move that the seventh resolution, therefore, with Mr. Cary's resolution, and all others Pertaining to it, go back to the Business Committee for their further action.

    Mr. , of Vermont--We have been living for a long time upon only resolutions. I move all these resolutions be laid upon the table, and we proceed to business. (Laughter.)

    Judge O'NEIL, of South Carolina--I think there is no necessity for a recommitment or reference back to the Business Committee. Gentlemen, when they deliberate upon this question, should remember the country South of Mason and Dixon, as well as that North of it. I have been a long time engaged in the temperance reform, and am perfectly satisfied that the resolution of the committee is the only one which will answer. We wish only to tell parties we are temperance men, and not party men, and when any party interferes, with us, then we will oppose them or come out as party men. This cause will be destroyed at the South unless it is treated wisely and judiciously. (Applause.)

    Mr. WILLIAMS, of Alabama--I am happy in obtaining the floor, as the only one from the South, excepting my honored friend, Judge O'NEIL, who has spoken upon this question. (Cries of "Take the Platform.") I have come from the Gulf of Mexico: some fifteen hundred miles off, to tell you we are temperance men, and to raise our voice in the acts of this Convention. We have now arrived at an important stage in this Convention, which is to decide how are we to advance temperance at the ballot box. I take it this difference of opinion rises from misconception of the language of the resolution. I am an ultra man, but I can most obserfully vote for this whole report. I am a democrat, but I would vote for a sober whig rather than a drunken democrat. I will bear, with all my strength, the banner of temperance in the very face of the democracy if they dare to raise it in the face of temperance. (Applause.)

    Gen. CARY--My object in offering my substitute was to embody every idea of the original and no more, to simpler language; and I challenge Judge O'NEIL, Mr. Williams, of Alabama or any one else, to show that I have not done it.

    The resolutions were then read in comparison.

    Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS of Philadephia--it is a surprise to me why there should be so much in speaking out clearly upon this subject. Why, since the birth of our country, all parties have been steeped in rum so deep that the North river couldn't compare as to depth. I am a democrat inside and out, yet I will vote for his satanic majesty before I will vote for a rum democrat. We must wash away the rum from our parties or we will be politically damned. Give it out to the world that we are going to purify all parties, and redeem American polities from that blighting curse which has so long withered up everything good that was connected with it. Therefore, we want just such a resolution as the one before us. (Applause.)

    After a few more speeches, upon all sorts of subjects excepting the one before the house,

    Mr. HUNT, of N. C., said--I am glad we are all so near the same mind. I am something different in politics from you all. I am whig, democrat not free, but an old-fashioned out and out federalist, and we are all of one party--teetotallers. (Applause) I cannot go, however, so far as my friend Chambers, who says he would go for his satanic majesty because it would be necessary to reform him first, as he is the father of drunkards and the system of drinking (Laughter) I want to go out in to the world as a one idea man-- that is, a temperance man, bound for the Maine law. In olden times, when there was but one idea in parties, and the old federal party was the only one in existence, they were all honest, But now, amid your numerous , is found the truth of the old adage, " It taker a rogue to catch a rogue," and one party is set to watch the other, (Laughter.)

    Several other gentlemen here tried to speak, but were put down with cries of "Order," "Question, question," &c.

    The CHAIR then put the question to recommit, which was lost. The vote was then taken upon General Cary's substitute, and it was carried. Applause and stamping of feet followed this termination of the contest.

    The Convention then adjourned till 8 o'clock P. M.


    The Convention re assembled at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. In the absence of Neal Dow, General Cary took the chair. The first speaker introduced was THOMAS CARSON, rather of the famous Carson League:--Our plan has been to concentrate the good heart of the country is a body against rumselling. We hire an agent to sue any who sell a glass of liquor, and furnish him with an office, books, salary, and all other necessaries. After some further remarks the gentleman closed, when

    Mr. CUNNINGHAM, of Washington, moved, that Mr. Carson be requested to place a statement of the Carson league before the Committee on Permanent Organization. This was carried.

    CHAIR.--The business before the house is the further consideration of the report of the Business Committee.

    The eighth resolution was then read.

    Dr. SNODGRASS--I wish to speak to this resolution. Is our squabble, heretofore, I have had only the one idea, to consider justly the right of representation. With this preface I will proceed at once to the resolution before the . We want more than the resolution asks, We want the assistanes of the general government. While a State may refuse the importation of liquor from a sister State, yet the general government ensures passage through her custom house of packages from foreign countries I, therefore, move this be added to the eighth resolution.

    Dr. SNODGRASS' proposition was referred to the Business Committee, and the eighth resolution then adopted without amendment.

    The ninth resolution was then read.

    Mr. McCLURE of Mass.--I wish to speak to this resolution.

    CHAIR--Will the gentleman take the platform?

    Mr. McCLURE--We have the Maine law in Boston, and yet it is a notorious fact that we never had so much drunkenness in that city as now. It arises from the fact that the Mayor and the Common Council are on the side of the rumseller. [The gentleman here related several incidents of drunkenness and debauchery in Boston, and call a fearful responsibility rested upon the authorities of that city for their neglect to prosecute the rumsellers.]

    Mr. JACKSON of Pennsylvania, also made a few remarks in regard to the extention of the law against the rumsellers in Maine. He said that John Neal's opposition to the Maine law arose from a private pique against Neal Dow. When the Maine law was first concieved that same John Neal presided at a temperance meeting in favor of that law, and never dreamed of its unconstitutionality, and I want you all to go home and through your temperance papers give these facts to the world.

    The ninth resolution was then adopted.

    The tenth, eleventh and twelfth resolutions were separately adopted without alteration.

    The thirteenth was then adopted with two or three verbal alterations.

    Next the fourteenth was read and unanimously adopted.

    The last resolution of the report, the fifteenth, was then read.

    Mr. EVANS. of Canada West, wished to amend this resolution. If this fifteenth resolution is published to the world as read. it will carry with it the appearance of a local feeling. This Convention should aim at an influence all over the world. Let it not be said that an American Convention could not exist without a at England (Cries of hear, hear.) I think you will see, gentlemen, the necessity of its alteration. I want to go back to Canada strengthened by my visit here.

    It was then moved to strike out this object lenable clause of the resolution:--"China, out the fatal drug, yet forced to receive it by British " This was carried.

    Mr. SAVAGE. of Washington--I come from a little district sometimes called out of the United States--the District of Columbia. A venerable gentlemen from Massachusetts to-day called Washington a sink. Well, in answer to this I can say a sink may be clean or it may be filthy: and I say there is no cleaner sink in the Union when Congress is out of it (Laughter.) Send sober men to Congress and it will not be a sink at all. (Cries of hear, hear.) We citizens of Washington don't want you to make our city an asylum for your drunkards and gamblers. (Laughter)

    Mr. JACKSON, of Penn., made a few more remarks. I want to tell you gentlemen, what I found when I went down in Maine; I travelled there six weeks, and I did not see liquor nor a drunken man during that time.

    Question--Did you go in the back room?

    Mr. J--I have found rum acts the same, whether drank in the back room or front room. (Laughter.)

    Mr. JACKSON--I travelled through the State of Maine, and found the prisons of their counties empty. The statements of John Neal are false, and he knows they are false. (Applause)

    Mr. BILL, of Maine--I have had my heart stirred by the exposition made by my friend, Mr. Jackson The statements made through the press by John Neal are lies, and he knows it. I will defy any man to find an open bar room in the whole State of Maine. I am almost ashamed to acknowledge John Neal as a citizen of the State of Maine and I thick he ought to be invited to emigrate.

    A Voice (from the audience)--I should like to ask if John Neal is not about used up and had we not better proceed to other business. (Laughter.)

    The CHAIR--If you ask for information. I should answer, I should think John Neal was used up.

    Mr. BILL--I don't know who hires John Neal, but I should think some one engaged his services at this time.

    The CHAIR--The question is now upon the adoption of the resolution.

    One or two verbal alterations of the resolution were here made by common consent of the Convention.

    The resolution was then adopted.

    G. W. CLARK here offered a resolution in condemnation of the rum trade, which was referred to the Committee on Business.

    Mr. C. then said--I wish to inquire, Mr. President, in regard to some reports which I feign would not believe. I understand that an honorable gentleman who has a refined education a graduate of one of the highest schools of the country, presented bla credentials as a delegate at the door this morning and was denied entrance because his skin happens to be of a darker hue than ours. (Cries of "That's right," "That's right." "We don't want darkies here")

    CHAIR--I cannot answer that question. I am not the proper source to apply for that kind of information.

    CLARK--I allude to Dr. McCane Smith, of this city. (Several voices, "He's a black man." "we don't want him," &c, &c. Clark set down, evidently convinced that there were no chances for women or darkies in this Convention)

    The meeting then adjourned till 7½ o'clock in the evening.


    The attendance at the reassembling of the Convention at 7½ o'clock P. M., was very considerable, a large proportion consisting of ladies. Neal Dow occupied the chair. The proceedings were opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. James. This was followed by the singing of a temperance song by Mr. Otis--

Behold the day of promise come!

    The audience applauded, and the singer resumed his seat at the piano, and gave the song of the Hutchinson Family, the burden of which is--

Uncle sam is rich enough to give us all a farm.

    The Chairman then introduced Judge O'Neil of South Carolina.

    Judge O'Neil said that he did not feel authorized to decline coming forward when called upon, but would run as rapidly as possible through his subject. Would he be afraid of the spirit of fanaticism and rowdyness which had cast disgrace on the proceedings of this Convention? (Applause and hisses.) Certainly not. He would not speak of his principles as a political man; he had no party feelings. He believed that everywhere temperance is acknowledged to be right. If we were right all those puny whipaters who stand in our way, on the right and on the left, would disappear. But we do not sufficiently support one another. Here the speaker drew some sort of a parallel applicable to the cause from the history of a battle fought between Marshal Hisber's corpe d'armes against the Turks, at the foot of Mount Tabor. It was necessary, he continued, to be understood that temperance men should be well provisioned for the campaign against rum. If so, and every man had courage, their conquest would be certain. (Another historical anectote and application.) To carry out the work of temperance, he continued, it is necessary to bare an absolute prohibition of the sale of spirituous liquors. They had discussed that subject in South Carolina, in 1848, and ever since they had been struggling to attain the ground which they then occupied. What is the objection to this absolute prohibition? If you turn your eyes on society and see if covered with the pall of death, and see the product of intemperance in your poorhouses, jails, and asylums, why do you hesitate in having a stop put to it? Even the dealers and manufacturers of intoxicating drinks cannot really prosper or benefit by it. and application as to the attendant or his .) Many and many a dramseller, he reasoned, here in New York, is his own best customer, and goes down to a grave of penury and shame. Go home, friends, therefore, resolved to bring your influence against this evil at the ballot box. Stand forward at the polls, and say that your brothers shall not be periled and destroyed by the influence of the dram shops. Your legislatiors hold back from acting in the matter until public opinion is manifested. Ladies of New York, I look on you to night as I look an the ladies of my own State. Remember, I do not stand here to advocate any of the doctrines of women's rights. (Much applause and a few hisses.) As the wives and daughters of freeman it is your privilege to be loved and protected, and what other rights would you have? (More applause) I do not want any of you to mount this platform, but I look for your influence as I would look for the gentle dew of heaven falling upon the earth. (Applause.) Mothers, come forward and aid us in this work. Teach your children to be temperate; tell them how distressing and ruinous are intoxicating drinks: I trust, too, that wives are prepared to go with us in, this matter. I never knew but one wife who was opposed to us. I never was an advocate of whipping women, but if ever there was a care where it would have been a charity to put it in practice it was this one. (Laughter Here the speaker introduced a domestic anecdote, and drew its application. Then came another one, some of the audience manifacting a desire to cough him into silence.) In conclusion, he impressed upon the wives the virtue of pleading for temperance with their husbands. To the young ladies he addressed himself, finally, urging them to look well to their lovers. (Call from the gallery, "Time's out." Response from the speaker, "Thank you for your hint, I shall stop a beg I think proper.") The call was, however, generally applauded by the audience, and Judge O'Neil immedeately after took the hint and retired.

    The next thing in the order of exercises was the reading of an original Maine law poem, written by Rev. Mr. Pierpont, of Massachusetts, and dellvored by him with much dramatic action.

    During its delivery there was an alarm of fire, which caused for a moment intense excitement. The flame from the row of gas lights at the upper gallery; communicated to the wood work, or some light flammable substance. but in an instant it was extinguished, and all danger from it at an end. The Janitor was directed, by persons on the platform, to turn off the gas communicating with the upper jets; in obeying this order he turned off the, gas completely, and left the assembly in utter darkness. The excitement became greater; some cried, for lights, some cried for the Janitor, some called for music. Mr. Otis went to the piano and a few verses of a song. An individual in the gallery struck a light, and attempted to light the gas again, but it was turned off. After some ten minutes delay the hall was again lit, and Mr. Pierpont resumed and concluded the recital of his poem. The chairman complimented the audience, and particularly the ladies, on the coolness they had displayed in the precipice of the danger which had occured. The compliment was really deserved. Not a lady shrieked or swooned and there was no rush to the doors

    At the close of Mr. Pierpont's poem, Rev. Mr. CRAMPTON came forward to reveal the mystery connected with the barrel of flour which occupied a conspicuous position on the platform. It was not, he said, rum or gin, or brandy, not that which will curse, but that which will bless. Here, he said, is a diploma showing that this cask obtained the first premium at the State Fair of Wisconsin. The temperance men of Milwaukie had sent it to the World's Fair to be sold to the highest bidder, the avails thereof to be appropriated to the dissemination of Maine law tracts in the State of Wisconsin. The Rey. Thomas P. Hunt will strike it off to the highest bidder.

    Mr. HUNT came forward, amid great laughter, and played the auctioneer. The chairman's gavel was for the nonce converted into the auctioneer's hammeer. The terms were, he announced, that every man who bid more than the previous one should send forward the difference, and the last bidder should pay all. Do you consent to their (Three very faint responsor of "Aye.")

    The first bidder was six dollars.

    Six. dollars--six dollars.

    Ten dollars.

    AUCTIONEER--Send up them five. (Laughter.)

    Twenty dollars.

    AUCTIONEER--Send up that ten dollars.

    Thirty dollars

    Like recommendation from the Auctioneer.

    Forty dollars.

    AUCTIONEER--Let that ten come this way.

    Forty five dollars.

    AUCTIONEER--Send up the five.


    Fifty five.


    Sixty two

    Some recommendations to send forward the difference-- we question whether it was attended to.

    While the last two dollars was being waited for, the auctioneer amused his audience with an anecdote, ending with the assurence that this barrel of four was, under the peculiar circumstance worth five hundred dollars, and probably would be to the State of Wisconsin worth millions.

    The bid is up to eighty dollars; there being a good many bidders on the platform.

    Eighty dollars--eighty dollars--why, you're not going to let that fine barrel of flour go for eighty dollars. It will make cakes, pies, and I don't know what it wouldn't make.

    Eighty five dollars.

    Mr. CRAMPTON interfering--I shall publish the name of the purchaser through the length and breadth of the State. (Hisses from the audience greeted the announcement.)

    Ninty dollars--once--twice. This is the last article that will be offered for sale here to night. Going at ninety.


    One hundred dollars. (Applause from the audience.)

    AUCTIONEER--Oh, gentleman, clapping will do no good; clap your hands into your pockets, and send forward the change.

    One hundred dollers--going--once--twice--third and last time. The barrel of flour was knocked down to Mesurs. Bowen & McNamee of New York, for $100.

    After this sale Rev Mr. HATFIELD, of Brooklyn, was introduced to the audience. He apologized for attempting to speak at this late hour, but he said he was pressed forward. (Motion on the part of the audience to get out of the hall unenlightened by Mr. Hatfield's remarks) I have not yet made up my mind, he said, to speak, but if the audience will lend me their attention for five minutes I will not detain them longer. (The audience indicated an intention to listen to him on these conditions) The speaker said that if this law interfered with the just and legitimate rights of any man be would not say a word in its vindication. But he believed it was a good and a righteous law. It proposed to hold up a strong shield between the wrong doer and his victim. It protects the defenceless and the weak against the unprincipled and the strong. And it was therefore that he gave it his support. The rum traffic has robbed ten thousand times ten thousand families in this country, and the Maine law proceses to stand between the robber and his victims. Some gentlemen and friends to this Convention have, every now and then, been apprehensive of some indiscretion being committed which would ruin the cause. But they might feel no such apprehension. The cause is based on a rock, against which the very gates of hell cannot prevail. (Applause) If the law be well executed in the States that have it it will run like wildfire from Maine to California. (Applause) We are to succeed in this matter. The right always succeeds ultimately. The heart of the people is with us; the children are with us; the women--God bless them--are with us to a man. (Cheers) Therefore be of good cheer: be hopeful in this matter; be patient, knowing that God is with you, and that truth and right are with you and that the hpes of humanity are with you, and you cannot fail. "God is for us, and who are those that are against us?"

    After Mr. Hatfield's speech, a move was made to get some money. The smallest sum solicited was one dollar. Collecters were sent round to test the beneficence and sincerity of the congregation. They were assured that if they gave their dollers they would have another song or hymn, and perhaps a speech from General Cary, of Ohio.

    The collection was made, the hymn--"Wake, friends of virtue"--sung to the air of the "Marseillaise" and, after a few remarks from General Cary, the Convention was adjourned.

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