Anne Rogers Minor, "A Message From the President General," DAR Magazine (December 1921), 688.

In 1921 the DAR offered its Memorial Continental Hall for the Washington Armament Limitation Conference, discussed by DAR president Anne Rogers Minor below:

Let us remember that the aims of the Conference are only the limitation of armaments to a minimum consistent with national defense--our own and other nations--and the settlement of the questions that might lead to war. Remember that peace does not lie in the direction of pacifism. Pacifism cares nothing for national defense. Pacifism is willing to see the world stand defenseless before a nation that is still obsessed with the passion of militarism and the policy of "blood and iron." The world cannot yet dispense with the police.

Our society has stood consistently for years for a wise policy of national defense: it has repudiated pacifism and all its visionary folly; it has stood for friendship and good will among the Allied nations who alone are the bulwarks [protectors] of liberty and civilization. It can exert a powerful influence for good throughout the country along these lines.

—Excerpt from Anne Rogers Minor, "A Message from the
President General," DAR Magazine (December 1921).

1. Why did Anne Rogers Minor believe pacifism would not bring about world peace?




2. According to Minor, what nations could protect liberty and civilization?








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