Mary Church Terrell, "Lynching from a Negro's Point of View," North American Review, 178, (1904): 853-68.

The President of the National Association of Colored Women wrote this article to counter a typical Southern excuse for brutal lynch law:

Before 1904 was three months old, thirty-one negroes had been lynched. Of this number, fifteen were murdered within one week in Arkansas, and one was shot to death in Springfield, Ohio, by a mob composed of men who did not take the trouble to wear masks. Hanging, shooting, and burning black men, women and children in the United States have become so common that such occurrences create but little sensation and evoke but slight comment now. . . .

It is a great mistake to suppose that rape is the real cause of lynching in the South. Beginning with the Ku-Klux Klan, the Negro has been constantly subjected to some form of organized violence ever since he became free. It is easy to prove that rape is simply the pretext and not the cause of lynching. Statistics show that, out of every hundred negroes who are lynched, from seventy-five to eighty-five are not even accused of this crime, and many who are accused of it are innocent. . . .

What, then, is the cause of lynching? At the last analysis, it will be discovered that there are just two causes of lynching. In the first place, it is due to race hatred, the hatred of a stronger people toward a weaker who were once held as slaves. In the second place, it is due to the lawlessness so prevalent in the section where nine-tenths of the lynchings occur.

—Excerpt from Mary Church Terrell, "Lynching from a
Negro's Point of View," North American Review (1904)

3. What did Mary Church Terrell argue were the real causes of lynching?




4. What common excuse for lynching did Terrell refute?




5. How did Terrell prove her point?








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