Hannah Griffitts, "The Female Patriots," Edward Wanton Smith Collection, Haverford College Library. Reprinted in Milcah Martha Moore's Book, Catherine La Courreye Blecki and Karin A. Wulf, eds. (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997), pp. 172-73.

The following poem protested British measures, including the Sugar Act (1764) and Townsend Duties (1767):

   Since the Men from a Party, on fear of a Frown,
Are kept by a Sugar-Plumb, quietly down.
Supinely asleep, & depriv'd of their Sight
Are strip'd of their Freedom, and rob'd of their Right.
If the Sons (so degenerate) the Blessing despise [hate],
Let the Daughters of Liberty, nobly arise,
And tho' we've no Voice, but a negative here.
The use of the Taxables, let us forebear [boycott],
(Then Merchants import till yr. Stores are all full
May the Buyers be few & yr. Traffick [sales] be dull.)
Stand firmly resolved & bid Grenville to see
That rather than Freedom, we'll part with our Tea

— Excerpt from Hannah Griffitts, "The Female Patriots," 1768

1. Why were the colonists opposed to the Sugar Act and the Townsend Duties?




2. What did Hannah Griffitts suggest women do to protest these acts?









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