Women and Social Movements

What Are Social Movements and What Is Gendered About Women's Participation in Social Movements?
A Sociological Perspective

Document List



Introduction: A Sociological Perspective


What Is a Social Movement?

Document 1: Harriet N. Austin, "Woman's Present and Future," September 1853

Document 2: Rozette Hendrix, 1912 Presidential Annual Address, Minnesota WCTU

Document 3: The First and Closing Paragraphs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Address, Seneca Falls, N.Y., 19, 20 July 1848

Document 4A: "Miss Ida B. Wells Informs Our Readers as to the Condition of the World's Fair Pamphlet Movement," 22 July 1893

Document 4B: Mrs A.J. Cooper, "The Intellectual Progress of the Colored Women of the United States," July 1893

Document 5: "Just Treatment of Licentious Men," January 1838


What Is a Women's Movement?

Document 6: "Lucretia Mott to Salem, Ohio, Woman's Convention," 17 May 1850

Document 7: "Interview with Alberta Snid," 1978

Document 8: "Seduction a Felony," September 1888

Document 9: Mary K. O'Sullivan, "The Labor War at Lawrence," April 1912

Document 10: Mary B. Talbert, "Women and Colored Women," August 1915

Document 11: "Race Issue Hits Feminist Party," 17-18 August 1924


What Is Different for Women in Social Movements?

Document 12: Letter from Lucretia Mott to Martha Coffin Wright, 17 April 1865

Document 13: "Incident in the Shirtwaist Strike," December 1909

Document 14: Editorial, National Association Notes, September 1898

Document 15: "Mothers' Assistants," 4 April 1870

Document 16: Lucretia Mott to Maria Weston Chapman, July 1840




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