Document 43: Allison Pierce Moore to Mabel Staupers, 28 February 1936, Reel 25, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Document 43: Allison Pierce Moore to Mabel Staupers, 28 February 1936, Reel 25, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


   This letter is a formal announcement of an upcoming local Harlem Council meeting for the ABCL's free clinic, which was housed in the Harlem building of the Urban League. It invited Staupers to a meeting at which Mrs. Levy, daughter of Julius Rosenwald, would be present. Mrs. Levy may have been the source of private funding for the ABCL clinic that Sanger referred to in all of her correspondence regarding the clinic transfer. Or she may be a prospective new donor to the clinic. In either case, this announcement is evidence of at least some continued contact between the new clinic management and the members of the Harlem Branch Advisory Council. This document is one of the last that refers to the Harlem birth control clinic. Other documents indicate that after closing briefly in 1936, the clinic continued at least until 1945, when the New York City Committee hosted a tenth-anniversary celebration.[120]

February 28, 1936

Mrs. Mabel K. Staupers
National Association for Colored Graduate Nurses
50 West 50

th Street
New York City

Dear Mrs. Staupers:

   We hope to have Miss Marjorie Davis executive secretary of the Michigan Maternal Health League, and Mrs. David Levy at the Urban League birth control center meeting next Thursday afternoon. I certainly hope that Mrs. Levy can come, as her family have for a long time been interested in both the Urban League and birth control through the Rosenwald Foundation. She was Miss Rosenwald.

   One cannot help wondering what can be done about the overcrowding at the clinic, and thinking of how much worse it will probably become as time goes on. It is a good healthy difficulty for us all to find ourselves in, and no doubt some way can be found for solving it.//We are looking forward to stimulating meeting on Thursday.

   We are looking forward to a stimulating meeting on Thursday.

Very sincerely yours,

(Mrs. Louis Deb. Moore)


[unsigned carbon]


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