Document 16: "Nineteenth Annual Report of the Young Women's Christian Association," Annual Report of 1902, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street, Annual Reports, 1883-1902.

Document 16: "Nineteenth Annual Report of the Young Women's Christian Association," Annual Report of 1902, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street, Annual Reports, 1883-1902.


      The 1902 Annual Report of the YWCA opens with a brief overview of the year's work.  Expressed in this overview is the need for more room as the boarding house no longer fully met the needs of the Association.  Included in the plea for help from the community and friends of the YWCA is a strong belief that the work of the organization is absolutely necessary to the working class women of Baltimore.  These women were often portrayed as brave and good women who only needed a helping hand.  It was the Christian duty of the YWCA to extend that helping hand to their less fortunate sisters.





       As we review the work of the past year, we find much to encourage us, and we send forth our Nineteenth Annual Report, trusting that those who have so generously assisted us will read with interest the reports of the different committees.

       We desire to call attention, especially, to the religious influences which surround the girls at the Association.  An evening prayer service is held daily.  Every Thursday evening a meeting is conducted by a member of the Committee appointed for that purpose, or by a clergyman from one of the churches.  On Sunday morning a Bible lesson is given, and on Sunday afternoon there is a Bible class.  We thus hope to influence the hearts and minds of those committed to our care, and to give them the needed strength to meet the temptations and trials in their daily lives.

       The capacity of our Boarding House has been taxed to its utmost limit, and we have frequently been obliged to turn off young girls who sadly need our protection and sympathy.  From all parts of the country have they come to us, and some from Canada, and from across the ocean, and we greatly need an additional house near our central building, where we can provide for the larger number of those who are left homeless and friendless in a great city.

      The instruction given for "Home Nursing and Invalid Attendants" was very successful, and some of those who took the training readily procured positions and proved most satisfactory.  To the physicians and nurses, who so kindly gave their time in lecturing to the class, we are most grateful.

      The First and Second Branches, now under one roof at 1609 E. Baltimore Street, have done excellent work, and they come in touch with many young girls whom our Central work cannot reach.  The rooms are open every evening, and classes in dress-making, millinery and cooking are taught.  A Bible Class is held Sunday afternoons, which is largely attended, and there is a class for young mothers on Friday, and a Kindergarten on Thursday.

      We have had very little sickness in our Home during the past year.  A dainty room is furnished for those who have a slight attack of illness, and need a quiet spot for a few days.  To our physician in charge, Dr. J. Mason Knox, Jr., we owe our thanks for his faithful services.

      We are anxious to secure a Summer Home, near the sea shore, where our girls can go for their vacation, and gain the rest and recreation so necessary during the heat of the summer, and we hope some of our friends will assist us in this new branch of the work.

       Our parlors are most attractive this winter in their fresh coat of paint.  The Library has a new carpet, and some of the rooms have been renovated, so our house is in good order.

       Since our Association was organized in 1883, we estimate that we have reached between seven and eight thousand women, and have furnished about one hundred and fifty thousand nights' lodging, and through our different departments we have been able to assist many brave, self-supporting women, who need the help that such work only can furnish.

       As we look forward to the future, it is with the earnest desire to extend our lines in many directions, believing that the Young Women's Christian Association is full of wonderful possibilities we have never reached, and with the aid of more money we feel that an opportunity for usefulness will be greatly increased.

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