Document 20: "Rules for the Home," 1896, Constitution of the CYWCA for 1906, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street.

Document 20: "Rules for the Home," 1896, Constitution of the CYWCA for 1906, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street.


     The following document lists the house rules for the CYWCA in 1896.  Notice that these rules require a standard of behavior in keeping with middle-class standards for responsibility, cleanliness, and godliness.  The concern for the spiritual well-being of the young women is particularly evident in the requirement of church attendance.




1. Young women applying for admission are required to be of good moral character, bringing a reference to that effect from a reliable source.

2.  The Matron shall not admit any young woman until examined by the President and Vice-President.

3.  The inmates are required to attend prayers conducted by the Matron whenever they are in the building.

4.  Young women are required to attend the Sabbath afternoon devotional service and also the devotional part of the Thursday evening service whenever convenient or when in the building.

5.  Every one occupying a bed shall help to keep the room in perfect order.

6.  The Matron is required to have the house in perfect order at all times so that visitors can be admitted.

7.  The Matron is required to close the building at 10:30 P.M., except on occasions of entertainments.

8.  Young men calling in the evening will be required to leave at 10:00 P.M.

9.  Young women are required to be in the building at 10:00 P.M., unless they can give a satisfactory excuse such as the necessities of their occupations.

10. Any young women found to be unsatisfactory in deportment or who shall be exerting an influence contrary to the spirit of the Home shall be expelled.

11.  The Matron is required to report all misconduct at the regular meetings.

12.  The hour for breakfast shall not be later than 8 o'clock, the hour for rising not later than 7 o'clock.

13.  Any one applying to rent the lower rooms shall be required to state the nature of the entertainment to be given; sub-committees of the C.Y.W.C.A. shall pay for the use of the rooms, unless the entertainment is to raise funds for the C.Y.W.C.A.

14.  Girls who are in service when lodging in the building shall pay two dollars ($2.oo) for single bed and trunk each month.

15.  Girls not employed in service and living in the building shall pay $1.00 per week in advance.  Transients, 25 cents per night.

16.  Girls in the building on Sunday must attend some churches unless prevented by illness.

17.  No one will be allowed to use snuff or tobacco or intoxicating drinks in the building.

18.  No married women with children will be allowed in our home.

19.  No young people attending day school will be admitted.

20.  Girls lodging in the building will not be allowed to entertain their male visitors on the front steps until after 6:30 P.M.

21.  Girls returning from theatre or other places of amusements must not stop on the outside of the building to talk to their escorts.

22.  Girls violating any of these rules shall leave the building immediately upon notification of the House Committee.

          By order of

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