Document 11A: Guerrilla Girls, "The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist," 1988, at the Guerrilla Girls website; and in Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls, by the Guerrilla Girls (whoever they really are) (New York: HarperPerennial, 1995), pp. 52-53.

Document 11A: Guerrilla Girls, "The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist," 1988, at the Guerrilla Girls website; and in Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls, by the Guerrilla Girls (whoever they really are) (New York: HarperPerennial, 1995), pp. 52-53.

        The Guerrilla Girls call this 1988 poster their all-time favorite. They like it because it reflects discrimination experienced by all kinds of women, both within and outside of the art world. Here the Girls attack not only the difficulties of being recognized as a female artist, but also the difficulties of balancing a professional life with a personal one in a society which undervalues women's contributions. Because of its popularity, it was translated into several languages and shown throughout the world.

Copyright © 1988 by the Guerrilla Girls

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