Page Six of 1980 Brochure by Catholics Act for ERA

The Equal Rights

       All men and women are, by nature, free and equal and have certain inalienable rights -- among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.  Neither the state nor any of its political subdivisions shall, on the basis of gender, deny or restrict the equality of rights under the law.

       This is the entire amendment.  These words will mean justice for us and for generations to come.

“As a pro-life, pro-family mother of three, I strongly support the ERA.  In a democratic society, we should not have two standards of treatment. ERA will accelerate a standard of fairness for both sexes before the law.”
Representative Margaret Heckler   R-MA, U.S. House of Representatives

“We should celebrate life and equality.  We should pass the ERA. When people hear I’m for the ERA, they think I’m for abortion.  I separate the two, as they should be, and have no difficulty supporting the ERA.”
Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC   President, Notre Dame University

Organizations endorsing E.R.A. include: National Conference of Catholic Charities, Canon Law Society of America, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, National Coalition of American Nuns, National Assembly of Women Religious, Priests for Equality, Chicago Catholic Women, NET-WORK, Las Hermanas, PADRES, Association of Chicago Priests, Quixite Center, Sisters of Loretto, Church Women United, Feminists for Life (a national pro-life group) and many others.

Reprinted by the Iowa ERA Coalition
Adapted with permission from:

Catholics Act for E.R.A.
P.O. Box 651
Hyattsville, MD 20782


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