Document 27: Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, 25 January 1933, 3 pp., Reel 33, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Document 27: Advisory Council Meeting Minutes, 25 January 1933, 3 pp., Reel 33, Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1900-1966, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


   At this meeting, newly hired African American social worker Emmy Jenkins was introduced to the Advisory Council (see Document 22, Document 31, and Document 33 for Jenkins's tenure at the clinic). The meeting includes continued discussion of the clinic's slow growth and weak financial condition; 1933 was the second year without foundation support for the clinic. That year, the largest outside donor, Mrs. Carrie Fuld, once again promised to contribute up to $5,000 in matching funds. Raising the matching funds was the challenge for the clinic. In the discussion, council members committed to new publicity and fund-raising efforts. The clinic's growth and finances were interconnected because Sanger's business model for clinics assumed that they would become self-supporting after an initial period, which meant that they needed a steady flow of fee-paying clients to cover part of the clinic's costs. In practice, the clinic provided services regardless of clients' ability to pay. In the context of higher rates of unemployment and lower wages, few women were able to pay the $5 fee ($3 for the exam and $2 for a diaphragm and a six months' supply of spermicidal jelly). Clinic annual reports suggest that less than 10 percent of the patients at the Harlem Branch clinic paid the full fee. More than half of the African American patients paid no fee at all. At this meeting, Hannah Stone announced a reduction in the fee for African American patients to $1.

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January 23, 1933

   PRESENT -- Dr. Stone, Dr. Levinson, Mrs. Ensign, Dr. Murray, Dr. Ellis, Rev. Hill, Dr. Brown, Rev Imes, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Zborowski, Mrs. Brestwell, Miss Murray and Mrs. Jenkins.

   MINUTES -- In the absence of Dr. Stone the regular meeting of the Advisory Council of the Harlem Branch of the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau was called to order at 4:45 P.M. Jan. 25, 1933 by Miss Murray. By unanimous consent only the most important parts of the minutes of the preceding meeting were read. Since they were not given in full, same were not adopted.

   OLD BUSINESS TEA -- Miss Murray announced that a Tea was given on Jan. 18, 1933 to the Social Workers in Harlem, Dr. Stone addressing them upon the various aspects of Birth Control. There were 48 present representing various Social groups. It was stated that contacts with all professional groups in Harlem are planned for the purpose of stimulating interest in the Clinic.

   NEW BUSINESS -- Notice was read that Mrs. Sanger has again been invited to speak on Birth Control in the Harlem District and it was urged that wide publicity be given to her next address on this subject, at the

   ADDRESS -- Abyssinian Baptist Church, May 14, 1933 at 8:00 P.M.—Mother's Day.

   Miss Murray suggested that Mother's Day throughout the Country would be an excellent time to call attention to Birth Control. Rev. Imes suggested subjects for talks for Ministers--"Better Motherhood", "Radiant Motherhood". Dr. Murray suggested "Birth Regulation" as a subject for interesting the general public on Mother's Day, May 14, 1933

   PERSONNEL -- Carrying out the recommendations of the previous meeting, it was announced that a colored Social Worker recently had been added to the Harlem Staff.

   At this point Miss Murray turned the meeting over to Dr. Stone who introduced Mrs. Jenkins, a new Social Worker. Dr. Stone assumed charge of the meeting, introducing Mrs. Ensign, the new supervisor in charge of the Harlem Clinic.

   PUBLICITY -- Dr. Murray suggested that better contacts could be obtained by sending a representative to the Baptist Ministers Conference. Rev Adams promised to make arrangements for a meeting. Rev. Hill suggested that Mrs. Jenkins visit the Ministers of every Church, instead of bringing the matter before the Conference as a whole. Rev. Hill offered to give Mrs. Jenkins the names of important people.

   Dr. Murray does not believe in Tea for Doctors would bring any results. He suggested giving them material on the subject of Birth Control to include in their lectures. Dr. Murray will take up this matter with Dr. Godfrey Nurse.

   Mrs. Allen suggested getting in touch with Ministers wives who come in contact with other organizations and get leaders in the Churches and community to come to a Tea and later send speakers to the groups meetings.

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   APPRECIATION -- A letter to the members of the Advisory Council of the Harlem Clinic was read, in which Mrs. Sanger expressed her appreciation of the courtesy and cooperation of the Advisory Council Members in making the Tea to the Social Workers a success. (Letter filed with minutes).

   Mrs. Allen spoke of the splendid lectures given at the Urban League each Wed. and Thurs. mornings, by Dr. Levinson. Mrs. Allen stated that their is a strong desire upon the part of men as well as women there, for the continuation of these lectures. Rev. Imes express appreciation for sending Dr. Ellis to speak at the St. James Presbyterian Church. Dr. Ellis will be free to give lectures in the future.


   Regular Meetings -- Dr. Stone raised the question of the desirability of regular monthly Advisory Council Meetings. After a short discussion, Dr. Murray moved that the Advisory Council meet every other month on the last Wed. in the month at 4:30 P.M. This motion was seconded and carried.

   VACANCY ON COUNCIL -- Dr. Murray stated that Dr. Alonzo DeSmith had left the city and was now at Howard University. This leaves a vacancy on the Advisory Council. The following names were suggested to fill this vacancy: Dr. Marquex, who is taking Dr. DeSmith's place in Harlem: Dr. Davis: Dr. Godfrey Nurse: Dr. Carter and Dr. Jenkins of Corona, Long Island.

   No action was taken pending further names from Dr. Chinn.

   NEW CLINIC QUARTERS -- Dr. Stone reported on the possibility of new Clinical quarters at the Urban League, stating that upon a visit there, she was greatly impressed with available space. One room could be used as a reception and history-- taking space and the other, for the Doctor's examination. A separate entrance was an added feature.

   Miss Murray stated that the Clinics set up by the American Birth Control League, which is not affiliated with us, usually never paid for rent, light or janitors services. It was stated that Mr. Hubert was now in Jamaica and arrangements in connection with the Urban League are therefore pending. Dr. Stone announced that the present space of the Harlem Clinic was being rented now month by month.

   FEES -- Dr. Stone stated that it has been arranged that a fee of one dollar will be charged colored patients but those in position to pay the regular fee would be expected to do so. She stated that the price of the jelly is to be only 25¢ now-- through this reduction, it is hoped to render greater services during the depression.

   COLORED NURSE -- Rev, Imes asked "How many colored nurses are able to qualify for Birth Control Work?" He suggested a Tea to acquaint them with the work. Dr. Stone stated that nurses did not give B.C. advice or instruction, but only assisted the doctors. Any duly qualified nurse is eligible for such assistance for doctors.

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   Dr. Stone announced a post-graduate training course in the TECHNIQUE OF CONTRACEPTION open to all qualified doctors- center to be at a Harlem Clinic. Fee for such a course to be $ 25.00

   Dr. Brown and Dr. Murray stated that in their opinions, no one could apply because of the fee charged.

   LITERATURE -- Rev. Imes commented on the "Negro Issue" of the B.C. Review. He expressed a desire for more copies in order that Mrs. Jenkins distribute same during her various contacts. No action was taken.

   Miss Murray called attention to an article on Birth Control in the Dec. 10, 1932 issue of the Literary Digest. Dr. Stone read in part Raymond Pearl's article. Attention was called to the correction of the interpretation of his article, which the Literary Digest will make in its issue of Feb. 4, 1933, page 27.

   ADJOURNED -- The meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. to meet again March 29, 1933 at 4:30 P.M.

   A colored stenographer supplied from the Emergency Work and Relief Bureau reported to the Harlem Clinic on Jan. 23, 1933.

   Miss Davidson donated to the Harlem Clinic a carpet, book-case, cabinet and several pictures. These gifts had made the Clinic particularly attractive.

W. Murray


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