Document 15: Iowa Women's Equality Campaign, "Equality of Rights for Women and Men: Yes on #1!" 1992. Folder: ERA Iowa 1992, Box 154, Mary Louise Smith Collection, Iowa Women's Archives, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa.

Document 15: Iowa Women's Equality Campaign, "Equality of Rights for Women and Men: Yes on #1!" 1992. Folder: ERA Iowa 1992, Box 154, Mary Louise Smith Collection, Iowa Women's Archives, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa.


       Produced and distributed by the Iowa Women’s Equality Campaign in 1992, the following three pages reproduce part of a brochure in which the campaign organizers focus on positive outcomes of the amendment. These include constitutional protection for women in education, sports opportunities, and divorce and child-support legislation. Campaign organizers also clearly identifed four groups of women who would be aided by the ERA and were most at risk of discrimination: "older women, young women, working women, and homemakers."


Vote on November 3, 1992


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