Document 18: "Friday Evening Club," Annual Report of 1908, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street, Annual Reports, 1903-1910.

Document 18: "Friday Evening Club," Annual Report of 1908, unprocessed collection of YWCA of Greater Baltimore, 128 W. Franklin Street, Annual Reports, 1903-1910.


      Due to the danger and temptations presented to young single women in the city, the YWCA sought to provide "appropriate" entertainment.  The Friday Evening Club's main purpose was to provide a safe but fun activity in place of dancing and drinking on Friday nights.  Additionally, the Club helped train young women in the art of service to their sisters.


The Friday Evening Club began it meetings the first week in October with an enrollment of forty-six.  The membership has steadily increased through the year and now numbers seventy.

      The Club has chosen for itself the name of "Willing Workers."  The girls are most enthusiastic and earnest in trying to carry out the spirit of their motto.

      Two evenings in the month are devoted to recreation, when girls bring their sewing or fancy work, if they wish; one evening a business meeting is held, and the fourth Friday night a talk or a lecture is given on some educational subject.  When there is a fifth Friday night each member comes prepared to help in some way with the entertainment and light refreshments are served.

      There were nine Christmas dinners sent out in baskets, most of the things being contributed by the girls or through their efforts.

      The members of the club are much interested in raising a fund with which to send some of their members to the Silver Bay Conference.[A]  Our delegate to the Conference of 1907 brought home with her not only greater consecration and loyalty to the work, but also many new thoughts which have been of practical service through the year.

A. The Silver Bay Conference Center on Lake George in upstate New York was founded in 1902.
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